🏌️ 'Daily Golf' Challenge 🏌️

Golf Continues!

The 2nd season of Daily Golf begins on January 1, 2025, with several updates to the rules. Key changes:

  • It will now be possible to earn more than one point per day, but there’s a catch. You can continue playing golf from where you left off the previous day (you don't need to be physically at that starting location, you just press the button and that point will be used as the starting location from which you hit the ball. In this case, completing the Daily Task will earn you an additional point.
  • A new Big Golf Club has been introduced, which can hit the ball 10 times farther than the regular club. However, the risk of landing in inaccessible areas also increases. Successfully completing a task with this club will earn you 5 points immediately.
  • If you visit multiple locations in a single day, only the first one will count toward your score (except during the July Madness). However, the additional locations will influence where you start the next day—if you choose to take advantage of this.


1. Description

The 'Daily Golf' challenge was created with the idea of moving around, without discriminating people based on their place of residence, and providing the opportunity to participate in the challenge while being outside of their permanent residence. The idea of the challenge is that each day, a participant can receive one point by completing the daily challenge. What is the daily challenge - you allow the application access to your location, and you are given a point within a 1-3 kilometer radius (see the note at the end!). Your task is to reach a 50-meter radius from the target point. When your smart device reaches the target zone, the daily challenge will be considered completed, and you can receive the next task the next day.

2. Challenge period

The challenge starts on January 1, 2024, and ends on December 31 of the same year. At the beginning of the next year, results will be compiled to determine how well the participants have done, and who will become the best golfer.

3. Registration and marking

To participate in the challenge, you need to join with your Google account (other authentication mechanisms are currently not provided). No actions will be taken with personal data; the only information the system will store is the registered participant's name and a link to the profile photo. There will be no email communication with users, and even the email address will not be recorded. The logged-in user can see detailed data about themselves for these and previous days.

4. Action in the case of unreachable points

It may happen that the random algorithm gives you a point that is physically impossible to reach. For example, it is located on the private estate of Andris Šķēle. In such a situation, the best you can do is go as close as possible to the point and then in the menu press on the image with the manual gearbox, and then press the button indicating that you have done the maximum possible today. For this, you will get 0.5 points (or, if you manage to save the route - proportionally as close as you get to the point). If you are at the point but the GPS doesn't recognize it, you can press the button for Manual point inclusion in the same section (you will get a full point for that, only in the calendar, this execution will be shown in a different color). Before going to the point, you can choose from two options: the initially set one and the opposite point (as far as 180 degrees away). Within the Baltic region, thanks to the support of Jāņa Sēta, it is ensured that both points are unlikely to be in the water. Outside the Baltic region, anything can happen.

5. Proving that you visited the point

Once you reach the zone, open the page on your phone (if you haven't had it with you all the time), the phone will read your location and mark the completion. Yes, GPS can be spoofed, I won't fight against that in any way.

6. Results and comparison with other participants

Each participant will be able to see their detailed results (points, visited locations, and calendar), but for other participants - a calendar with completed days.

7. Visiting points together

To make it possible to complete the challenge together with another participant, a mechanism has been implemented in the issuance of the daily task: if you press the 'Get task' button within five minutes after someone else has done it no more than 50 meters away from where you are, you will be given the same point as the previous participant.

8. Participation fee, prizes, and winners

Ha ha ha, no.

9. Other questions

If you have any questions that are not answered in this regulation, write to me at kuutnieks(at)gmail(dot)com, I will try to answer. Also, let me know if something on this page is not working as it should.

10. Wish

May 2024 be a year of memorable experiences for both you and me!
* Clarification of the regulation: when starting the challenge, you can choose the intensity of the challenge; 1-3 kilometers is the default option.