I take my words back
book — Russia — 2005

Probably it ain`t the right choice to classify V.S. as a Russian writer for he no longer lives in his native country (since a death penalty awaits him for his works there) and some of his books aren`t even published in Russia. Yet he is a Russian writer without a slightest doubt. Over the past decades he has written quite a lot of sensational books on WW2, on KGB and other things many Russians rarely want to talk about. Although I`m no fan of weird conspiracy theories in the case of Suvorov and WW2 I have no other choice than accepting his theory (not without restraints, of course). And what is his theory? It`s that Stalin was planning attacking the nazi Germany just a few weeks later than he was attacked himself. And that because of it USSR suffered such enermous losses in the war as it did. One of the best points of his is that all Russian talks of never thinking about such an option would only mean that they were nazi supporters themselves. If you say - oh, we would never attack those Germans for we had signed a treaty with them that made us almost friends, you only mean that the brown shit that covered nearly all of Europe was a good thing in their minds. This book however is less about what Stalin thought and did, but more about marshal Zhukov, one of the most legendary war leaders of the XX century. Suvorov calls Zhukov a great fool and a war criminal with ambitions too high and brains too little. And he does that convincingly. This surely ain`t a book to read for relaxation and most people would probably find it less than interesting, but I am not one of those people. History IS a thing I`m interested in. The book ain`t flawless, Suvorov keeps on repeating stuff many times for no clear reasons, probably thinking that his readers might be having problems with long term memory, I don`t know. If he had cut half of the book, the rating would be even higher.