Nosaukums | Autors | Izdošanas gads | Vērtējums | Lasīšanas valoda |
Ardievu, Atlantīda! | Valentīna Freimane | 2010 | 👍 |  |
Sestklasnieki neraud | Žaks Frīnss | 1999 | 👍 |  |
Kariete uz Santjago | Kristīne Ulberga | 2020 | 👍 |  |
Windows on the World | Frédéric Beigbeder | 2003 | 👍 |  |
Trakie deviņdesmitie | Valdis Klišāns | 2023 | 👍 |  |
Le sixième sommeil | Bernard Werber | 2015 | 👋 |  |
Kara dienasgrāmatas 1939-1945 | Astrida Lindgrēne | 2015 | 👍 |  |
Mirušo enciklopēdija | Danilo Kišs | 1983 | 👍 |  |
Brivībene | Svens Kuzmins | 2024 | 👍 |  |
Nākotnes kalējs | Māris Bērziņš | 2021 | 👍 |  |
Pēc ūdens | Juris Šķudītis | 2005 | 👋 |  |
Bovijs un 12 putnēni | Jana Egle | 2024 | 👍 |  |
Le poison d'amour | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2014 | 👋 |  |
Ebreju Rēzekne | Autoru kolektīvs | 2017 | 👍 |  |
Tobiass dodas pasaulē | Juris Zvirgzdiņš | 2005 | 👋 |  |
Romāniņš | Dace Rukšāne | 2002 | 👋 |  |
Famille et autres supplices | Beatrice Shalit | 2000 | 👍 |  |
Mežakaija | Osvalds Zebris | 2022 | 👋 |  |
Bērnudienas komunālijā | Zane Daudziņa | 2024 | 👍 |  |
Saldējuma pārdevējs | Katri Lipson | 2012 | 👍 |  |
Tu nevari dabūt visu, ko gribi | Vladis Spāre | 2015 | 👍 |  |
Sarunas uz sētas kāpnēm | Ilze Lāce | 2022 | 👍 |  |
Šķirotavas stāsts | Egils Venters | 2024 | 👍 |  |
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared | Jonas Jonasson | 2009 | 👋 |  |
The Foundling | Stacey Halls | 2020 | 👋 |  |
Baigās piezīmes | Silvija Brice | 2020 | 👍 |  |
Krustpils un Jēkabpils ebreji | Māris Goldmanis | 2024 | 👍 |  |
Trimdas latviešu sporta vēsture 1945-1995 | Autoru kolektīvs | 2001 | 👍 |  |
Tētis | Kārlis Vērdiņš | 2016 | 👍 |  |
Dzimtas asinis | Lauris Gundars | 2023 | 👍 |  |
Gājiens ar klibo zirdziņu | Vladis Spāre | 2020 | 👍 |  |
Bezkaunīgie veči | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1968 | 👋 |  |
Cilvēkam vajag suni | Regīna Ezera | 1975 | 👍 |  |
Kamils, kurš skatās ar rokām | Tomašs Malkovskis | 2017 | 👍 |  |
Šaubas | Osvalds Zebris | 2021 | 👋 |  |
Mazās piezīmes | Kārlis Skalbe | 1945 | 👍 |  |
Ārprātija piedzīvojumi | Vilipsōns, Nora Ikstena | 2017 | 👍 |  |
Lielais mēmais | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1973 | 👍 |  |
Tās ir tikai superspējas | Lelde Jauja | 2023 | 👍 |  |
Skaistums un nemiers | Svens Kuzmins | 2023 | 👍 |  |
Koka nama ļaudis | Osvalds Zebris | 2013 | 👍 |  |
Ilze | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1959 | 👍 |  |
Lapsa un zaķis | Silvija Vanden Hēde | 2011 | 👍 |  |
Čeka, bumba & rokenrols | Pauls Bankovskis | 2002 | 👋 |  |
Kurš sasēdēja brūno sieru? | Ērlenns Lū | 2021 | 👍 |  |
Pornogrāfisko bildīšu tirgotājs | Jānis Einfelds | 2001 | 👋 |  |
Miesas krāsas domino | Zigmunds Skujiņš | 1999 | 👋 |  |
Šajā romānā visi mirst | Beka Adamašvili | 2018 | 👍 |  |
Laika rēķins | Ilze Jansone | 2021 | 👍 |  |
Ja es būtu koks | Viktors Ozoliņš | 2022 | 👋 |  |
Pieaugušie | Kārlis Vērdiņš | 2008 | 👍 |  |
Odu laiks. 2. daļa | Lienīte Medne, Vladis Spāre, Juris Zvirgzdiņš | 2008 | 👍 |  |
Rainītis | Linda Šmite | 2016 | 👋 |  |
Super Marians | Askolds Uldriķis | 2024 | 👋 |  |
Regīna Ezera. Re: | Autoru kolektīvs | 2021 | 👋 |  |
Stikli | Inga Gaile | 2016 | 👍 |  |
Cilvēks ar zilo putnu | Laima Kota | 2020 | 👍 |  |
Pār Trentu kāpj migla | Gunars Janovskis | 1963 | 👍 |  |
Anyone Can Design Even a Kitten | Amid Moradganjeh | 2017 | 👋 |  |
Tur lejā | Noa Loviss Peifers, Linu Letīcija Blats, Jajo Kavamura | 2023 | 👋 |  |
A Laodicean | Thomas Hardy | 1881 | 👍 |  |
The Europeans: a sketch | Henry James | 1878 | 👍 |  |
The Way of All Flesh | Samuel Butler | 1903 | 👍 |  |
Putekļi smilšu pulkstenī | Arno Jundze | 2014 | 👍 |  |
Pilsēta pie upes | Gunars Janovskis | 1922 | 👍 |  |
Volejbols Latvijā. No saknēm līdz mūsdienām | Guntis Keisels | 2018 | 👍 |  |
Why Social Media Is Ruining Your Life | Katherine Ormerod | 2018 | 👍 |  |
Flatland | Edwin Abbott Abbott | 1884 | 👍 |  |
Ēnu aleja | Zigmunds Skujiņš | 2003 | 👍 |  |
Sōla | Gunars Janovskis | 1963 | 👍 |  |
Es nemiršu nekad | Arno Jundze | 2022 | 👍 |  |
Draņķozols | Anete Grīnberga | 2022 | 👍 |  |
11 stāsti par vīriešiem | Aivars Kļavis | 2014 | 👍 |  |
Atgriešanās Itakā | Juris Zvirgzdiņš | 2011 | 👍 |  |
Santa Biblia | Inga Žolude | 2013 | 👋 |  |
Mīlestība | Nora Ikstena | 2019 | 👋 |  |
...rakstīt... | Guntis Berelis | 2022 | 👍 |  |
Ķīpsalas putni | Dace Rukšāne | 2021 | 👍 |  |
Teātra bērni | Inga Jēruma | 2019 | 👋 |  |
Bēres ar priekšapmaksu | Aivars Kļavis | 2020 | 👍 |  |
Neaizmirstami sporta brīži un zvaigznes | Arnolds Šmits un Vilis Čika | 1966 | 👍 |  |
Saulesraksts | Reins Rauds | 2021 | 👍 |  |
Rīga sporto gadsimtu griežos | Guntis Keisels | 2015 | 👍 |  |
Apglabāt uz valsts rēķina | Lauris Gundars | 2019 | 👋 |  |
Lidojums uz mēnesi | Andrus Kivirähk | 2022 | 👍 |  |
Manas [ie]spējas. Māris Verpakovskis | Linda Apse | 2022 | 👍 |  |
Dienasgrāmatas | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1942 | 👍 |  |
Latvijas sporta apskats | Ilgvars Forands | 2021 | 👎 |  |
Zemdegas | Regīna Ezera | 1977 | 👍 |  |
Latvijas boksam 100 | Pavels Maksimovs | 2023 | 👍 |  |
Disidentus sporta vidē neatceros | Daumants Znatnajs | 2023 | 👍 |  |
Uguns pilsēta | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1946 | 👋 |  |
Sporta smaids: fragmentāri notikumi no neatkarīgās Latvijas sporta dzīves pirmsākumiem līdz mūsu dienām | Vilis Čika un Arnolds Šmits | 1961 | 👍 |  |
Plastmasas huligāni. Tas ir murgs! | Agnese Vanaga | 2023 | 👍 |  |
Latvijas sporta vēsture | Vilis Čika un Gunārs Gubiņš | 1970 | 👍 |  |
Ģīmetne | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1942 | 👍 |  |
Muša, kura gribēja būt lidmašīna | Ieva Samauska | 2016 | 👋 |  |
Perfektā teikuma nāve | Reins Rauds | 2015 | 👍 |  |
Nestundas | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1940 | 👋 |  |
Latvijas sporta pedagoģijas akadēmijai — 100 | Uldis Grāvītis | 2021 | 👋 |  |
Liepājas svarcēlāju dažādie likteņi | Uldis Novickis | 2023 | 👍 |  |
Latvijas vieglatlētikas vēsture 1897-1944 | Andris Staģis | 2016 | 👍 |  |
Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood | 1986 | 👍 |  |
Adžurdžonga | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1951 | 👋 |  |
Luka and the Fire of Life | Salman Rusdhie | 2010 | 👋 |  |
Visticamāk, ka ne... : Stundu kalendārs | Regīna Ezera | 1993 | 👍 |  |
Limbažu stāsti | Bruno Plūme | 2003 | 👍 |  |
Tartu. Pēterburga. Rīga | Ada Tisenkopfa | 2017 | 👎 |  |
Odas skumjām | Regīna Ezera | 2003 | 👍 |  |
Kocenieki un tāsenieces | Andrus Kivirähk | 2020 | 👍 |  |
Svešam kļūt jeb Stāsts par Gunāru A. | Lauris Gundars | 2021 | 👍 |  |
Gods kalpot sportam | Miķelis Rubenis | 2021 | 👎 |  |
Malahīta dievs | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1961 | 👍 |  |
Armagedona cikls | Jānis Einfelds | 2019 | 👍 |  |
Dodger | Terry Pratchett | 2012 | 👋 |  |
Misters Sorrijs | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1956 | 👋 |  |
Sur l'eau | Guy de Maupassant | 1888 | 👍 |  |
Plachetnice na vinětách | Jiří Hájíček | 2020 | 👍 |  |
Par skaisto un aplamo dzīvi | Ieva Struka | 2022 | 👍 |  |
Oxforda. Ar skatu uz universitāti | Vilis Lācītis | 2023 | 👋 |  |
Jauki ļaudis | Gundega Repše | 2014 | 👍 |  |
Astridas Lindgrēnes darbi un nedarbi | Mudīte Treimane | 2007 | 👍 |  |
Dziedošās smiltis | Lienīte Medne-Spāre | 2019 | 👍 |  |
Pêcheur d'Islande | Pierre Loti | 1886 | 👍 |  |
Vēsais prāts | Ieva Melgalve | 2018 | 👍 |  |
Āgenskalns | Egīls Venters | 2006 | 👋 |  |
Ukrainas vēsture | Imants Liepiņš | 2022 | 👍 |  |
Vilcēni | Andra Manfelde | 2020 | 👍 |  |
Rēzus | Ieva Plūme | 2012 | 👍 |  |
November | Andrus Kivirähk | 2000 | 👍 |  |
Mājās pārnāca basa | Andra Manfelde | 2018 | 👍 |  |
Aktiera runa 21. gadsimta latviešu teātrī | Zane Daudziņa | 2022 | 👍 |  |
Trīs Brāļi | Zenta Mauriņa | 1946 | 👍 |  |
Latviešu stāsti | Hermanis Naumanis | 2006 | 👍 |  |
Akas māja | Inga Ābele | 1999 | 👍 |  |
Smalkās kaites | Ēriks Ādamsons | 1937 | 👍 |  |
Lopu ekspresis | Toms Kreicbergs | 2016 | 👍 |  |
Retināts gaiss | Gundega Repše | 2019 | 👍 |  |
Stāsti un teikas Laika vecim | Andris Zeibots | 2022 | 👍 |  |
Raganu festivāls | Māris Ozoliņš | 2020 | 👎 |  |
Panika | Helēna Ora | 2021 | 👍 |  |
Pilsētas šamaņi | Svens Kuzmins | 2016 | 👍 |  |
Septiņi viesi | Zenta Mauriņa | 1957 | 👍 |  |
101. kilometrs. Padomju kauna zona | Guna Roze | 2015 | 👍 |  |
Uzburtā vieta | Tālis Tisenkopfs | 2007 | 👍 |  |
ParaPops jeb Rozā brilles Siguldā | Kaspars Zaviļeiskis | 2018 | 👍 |  |
Der Untergeher | Thomas Bernhard | 1983 | 👍 |  |
Vecais vīrs pilī | Jānis Balodis, Jānis Skutelis | 2015 | 👍 |  |
Kvēlošā lokā | Anna Brigadere | 1928 | 👍 |  |
Baltais ceļš: studija par Annu Brigaderi | Zenta Mauriņa | 1935 | 👍 |  |
Decembris | Jānis Joņevs | 2022 | 👍 |  |
The Good Doctor | Damon Galgut | 2013 | 👍 |  |
The religious philosophy of Janis Rainis, Latvian poet | Arvīds Ziedonis | 1969 | 👍 |  |
Vēstules no mājām | Marina Kosteņecka | 2009 | 👍 |  |
Jaunavas mācība | Nora Ikstena | 2001 | 👍 |  |
Latviešu labirints | Alberts Bels | 1998 | 👎 |  |
pilnīgs Šahs | Kaspars Zaviļeiskis | 2020 | 👍 |  |
Stāsts par doktoru Dūlitlu | Hjū Loftings | 1920 | 👍 |  |
Bitte nicht hinauslehnen. Ein Vereinigungs- Kriminalroman | Sebastian Knauer | 1996 | 👍 |  |
Gulta ar zelta kāju | Zigmunds Skujiņš | 1984 | 👍 |  |
Le Livre du voyage | Bernard Werber | 1997 | 👎 |  |
Meitene, kura mācēja visas pasaules valodas | Ieva Samauska | 2012 | |  |
Soliņš un miskaste | Ieva Samauska | 2022 | |  |
Nemodernās Slampes meitenes | Rihards Bargais | 2021 | |  |
Santa Klaus verzweifelt gesucht | Ruprecht Knecht | 2011 | |  |
How to Make a Jewish Movie | Melville Shavelson | 1971 | |  |
Aplikācija par rakstnieku un laikmetu | Zigmunds Skujiņš | 2018 | |  |
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | J.K.Rowling | 2001 | |  |
The Human Stain | Philip Roth | 1998 | |  |
Vientulība masu sarīkojumos | Alberts Bels | 2005 | |  |
Stāsti un noveles | Jānis Ezeriņš | n/a | |  |
Cilvēks mežā | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1970 | |  |
Atgriešanās septiņjūdžu mežā | Deivids Benediktuss | 2008 | |  |
The Content Code | Mark W Schaefer | 2015 | |  |
Billes skaistā jaunība | Vizma Belševica | 1999 | |  |
Duna | Inga Ābele | 2017 | |  |
Meklējot Ezeriņu | Andris Akmentiņš | 2021 | |  |
Rīgas peles Ēdolē | Pēteris Blūms | 2008 | |  |
Vēlu novembrī | Tūve Jansone | 1970 | |  |
Lotes ceļojums uz Dienvidiem | Andrus Kivirähk | 2002 | |  |
Pasaules vēsture | Pauls Bankovskis | 2020 | |  |
Sporta smaidi un grimases | Andžils Remess | 2021 | |  |
Vīrs, kas zināja čūskuvārdus | Andrus Kivirähk | 2007 | |  |
Stāsti laika logos | Artūrs Snips | 2016 | |  |
Zvēru zvaigznājs | Pauls Bankovskis | 2012 | |  |
18 | Pauls Bankovskis | 2014 | |  |
Iedzimtais grēks | Īvande Kaija | 1913 | |  |
Rakstītāja | Inga Gaile | 2020 | |  |
Neredzamais bērns | Tūve Jansone | 1962 | |  |
Komēta nāk | Tūve Jansone | 1946 | |  |
Švābu kapričo | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1950 | |  |
Čingishana gals | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1948 | |  |
Kazanovas mētelis | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1946 | |  |
The Sheep Man's Christmas | Haruki Murakami | 1985 | |  |
Svešais cirvis cērt un cērt | Andrejs Eglītis | 1986 | |  |
Karuselis | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1956 | |  |
Neierastā Amerika | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1954 | |  |
Neatkarības laika teātris. Parādības un personības gadsimtu mijā un 21. gadsimtā | Autoru kolektīvs | 2020 | |  |
Ēzelis (kā viss sākās) | Huans Arhona | 2014 | |  |
Mare un miega migla | Grieta Baula | 2021 | |
Pazudušais pērtiķis | Luīze Pastore | 2015 | |  |
Dukts | Aivars Ozoliņš | 1991 | |
Dr. Ausmoņa klīnika | Pēteris Pūrītis | 2011 | |  |
Planēta neHolivuda | Dita Rietuma | 2002 | |  |
Tobiass un neparastais ciemiņš | Juris Zvirgzdiņš | 2010 | |  |
Plastmasas huligāni | Agnese Vanaga | 2019 | |  |
Kur dvēsele cēlās spārnos. Bohēma Liepājas krogos | Andžils Remess | 2022 | |  |
A Moveable Feast | Ernest Hemingway | 1964 | |  |
Decoding Advertisements | Judith Williamson | 1978 | |  |
Ogilvy on Advertising | David Ogilvy | 1983 | |  |
Auseklis Baušķenieks | Laima Slava | 2010 | |  |
W czerwieni | Magdalena Tulli | 1998 | |  |
Ārpusklases lasīšana | Boris Akunin | 2003 | |  |
Rambling On: An Apprentice's Guide to the Gift of the Gab | Bohumil Hrabal | 1978 | |  |
Onegin Was a Rusky | Irena Dousková | 2006 | |  |
Klara and the Sun | Kazuo Ishiguro | 2021 | |  |
Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead | Olga Tokarczuk | 2009 | |  |
Germinie Lacerteux | Jules de Goncourt et Edmond de Goncourt | 1865 | |  |
De Profundis | Oscar Wild | 1897 | |  |
Nervozie ļautiņi | Frēdriks Bakmans | 2019 | |  |
Les Trois Mousquetaires | Alexandre Dumas | 1844 | |  |
Morceaux Choisis Des Auteurs Francais Du Moyen Age a Nos Jours | Ch.-m. Des Granges | 1923 | |  |
Le Pèlerin de l'Absolu | Leon Bloy | 1913 | |  |
Upe | Laura Vinogradova | 2020 | |  |
Omertà | Mario Puzo | 2000 | |  |
Plastmasas huligāni. Draugs pazudis | Agnese Vanaga | 2020 | |  |
Andrejs Rubins. Es sēdēju tikai vienreiz | Askolds Uldriķis | 2022 | |  |
Before and After | Rosellen Brown | 1992 | |  |
Bīstamais dārziņš | Zane Volkinšteine | 2021 | |  |
Hard Times | Charles Dickens | 1854 | |  |
A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens | 1843 | |  |
A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens | 1859 | |  |
Apaļās bumbas ēnā | Jānis Liepiņš | 2021 | |  |
Die Sünderin | Petra Hammesfahr | 1999 | |  |
Der siebte Kreuz | Anna Seghers | 1942 | |  |
Mans vārds ir Klimpa, un man patīk viss | Rasa Bugavičute-Pēce | 2016 | |  |
Das Gemeindekind | Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach | 1887 | |  |
Aus Franzensbad | Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach | 1858 | |  |
Menschen im Hotel | Vicki Baum | 1929 | |  |
Dichterinnen & Denkerinnen | Katharina Herrmann | 2020 | |  |
Proti svilpot, Juhanna? | Ulfs Starks | 1992 | |  |
Amanda herzlos | Jurek Becker | 1992 | |  |
Stuart Little | Evelyn Brooks White | 1945 | |  |
Dizažio | Svens Kuzmins | 2021 | |  |
Mufa | Juris Zvirgzdiņš | 2011 | |  |
Die Hungrigen und die Satten | Timur Vermes | 2018 | |  |
The Dragons of Eden | Carl Sagan | 1977 | |  |
Кто виноват? | Александр Герцен | 1846 | |  |
Turning Back the Clock: Hot Wars and Media Populism | Umberto Eco | 2006 | |  |
Latvijas teniss | Augusts Mellups | 2005 | |  |
Легкая кавалерия | Юрий Галич | 1928 | |  |
Reisende auf einem Bein | Herta Müller | 1989 | |  |
Avota laiks | Aivars Kļavis | 2021 | |  |
Ērms un feisbuks | Andrus Kivirähk | 2019 | |  |
Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami | 2017 | |  |
La chambre des officiers | Marc Dugain | 1998 | |  |
The Search for the Perfect Language | Umberto Eco | 1993 | |  |
Bel Canto | Ann Patchett | 2001 | |  |
Söhne und Planeten | Clemens J. Setz | 2007 | |  |
Zirgs, kurš pazaudēja brilles | Hannu Mekele | 1977 | |  |
Sveiks, Vali! | Lauris Gundars | 2017 | |  |
Adultère | Paul Haurigot | 1931 | |  |
Kā izglābt mazītiņo mammu | Pireta Rauda | 2015 | |  |
Jaunā junda | Edvarts Virza | 1937 | |  |
Dzīves apliecinātāji | Zenta Mauriņa | 1935 | |  |
Lote un Mēnessakmens noslēpums | Heiki Ermits | 2014 | |  |
Klūgu mūks | Inga Ābele | 2014 | |  |
Oskars un lietas | Andrus Kivirähk | 2015 | |  |
Fru Hjelde | Sigrid Undset | 1917 | |  |
Деревня | Иван Бунин | 1910 | |  |
Nakts bez mēnesnīcas | Regīna Ezera | 1971 | |  |
No gadsimta sākuma līdz Trīszvaigžņu spēlei un Sidnejai. Tukuma novada sporta vēsture (1901. - 2001. g.) | Māris Anuška - Grinšteins | 2002 | |  |
Saules atspulgs | Regīna Ezera | 1969 | |  |
Very British Problems: Making Life Awkward for Ourselves, One Rainy Day at a Time | Rob Temple | 2013 | |  |
Anekdotes par vidējo latvieti un Raini | Ilmārs Šlāpins | 2007 | |  |
Drei Kamerade | Erich Maria Remarque | 1936 | |  |
Trainspotting | Irvine Welsh | 1993 | |  |
Воспоминания | Владимир Соллогуб | 1886 | |  |
Colomba | Prosper Merimee | 1840 | |  |
Herbe ar lielo cepuri | Otfrīds Preislers | 1981 | |  |
Doctor in the House | Richard Gordon | 1952 | |  |
The Eternal Husband | Fyodor Dostoyevsky | 1870 | |  |
Trīsdesmit divi gadi kopā ar Zentu Mauriņu | Irene Mellis | 1997 | |  |
Latviešu modernisma aizsākumi un krievu literatūras sudraba laikmets | Ludmila Sproģe un Vera Vāvere | 2002 | |  |
Amerika! | Max Frisch | 2011 | |  |
Div dūjiņas | Mariss Vētra | 1935 | |  |
Zilais, ragainais dzīvnieks | Andrus Kivirähk | 2019 | |  |
Polanski | Christopher Sanford | 2007 | |  |
My Life | Isadora Duncan | 1927 | |  |
Au bonheur des ogres | Daniel Pennac | 1985 | |  |
Contes et nouvelles | Guy de Maupassant | 1886 | |  |
Lote no izgudrotāju ciema | Andrus Kivirähk | 2009 | |  |
Pie mikrofona Gunārs Jākobsons | Gunāts Jākobsons | 2020 | |  |
Aus der Zuckerfabrik | Dorothee Elmiger | 2020 | |  |
Tā tas bija toreiz | Kārlis Krūklītis | 1983 | |  |
La Vie des Abeilles | Maurice Maeterlinck | 1901 | |  |
Kaka un pavasaris | Andrus Kivirähk | 2009 | |  |
Neļaudis | Jānis Einfelds | 2005 | |  |
Jurģis uz jumta | Kazis Saja | 1963 | |  |
Vientulības gals | Benedikts Velss | 2016 | |  |
День „М“: Когда началась Вторая мировая война? | Виктор Суворов | 1993 | |  |
Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch-depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969 | Frank Witzel | 2015 | |  |
Annette, ein Heldinnenepos | Anne Weber | 2020 | |  |
piepildīts | Vineta Trimalniece | 2020 | |  |
Tulks, vēsturnieks, dzejneks | Dmitrijs Žukovs | 1965 | |  |
L'histoire de France racontée à Juliette: Tome 2 | Jean Duché | 1968 | |  |
Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery | Garr Reynolds | 2008 | |  |
Puika, kurš redzēja tumsā | Rasa Bugavičute - Pēce | 2019 | |  |
Tīģeris | Jānis Joņevs | 2020 | |  |
Krieva āda | Dace Rukšāne | 2020 | |  |
Mūsu lielās spēles | Kristiāns Girvičs | 2020 | |  |
Lugas | Aleksandrs Vampilovs | 1972 | |  |
La Chevre d'Or | Paul Arène | 1889 | |  |
Flights | Olga Tokarczuk | 2018 | |  |
Das Exemplar | Annette Kolb | 1913 | |  |
Der Nachsommer | Adalbert Stifter | 1857 | |  |
Египетская марка | Осип Мандельштам | n/a | |  |
Restless | William Boyd | 2006 | |  |
Bērnības atmiņas | Sofija Kovaļevska | 1890 | |  |
Night | Elie Wiezel | 1958 | |  |
Mammmanuālis | Guna Poga | 2020 | |  |
L'ombre | Daniel Boulanger | 1959 | |  |
Tautas nodevēja atmiņas | Andrievs Niedra | 1924 | |  |
Majestāte un pērtiķis | Mirdza Bendrupe | 1938 | |  |
Nodevība | Regīna Ezera | 1984 | |  |
Varmācība | Regīna Ezera | 1982 | |  |
Princeses fenomens | Regīna Ezera | 1985 | |  |
Clock without Hands | Carson McCullers | 1961 | |  |
Grēksūdze par uzdotu tēmu | Boriss Jeļcins | 1990 | |  |
Mūsējās | Santa Remere | 2020 | |  |
Quartet in Autumn | Barbara Pym | 1977 | |  |
Saules dūriens | Tomasso Landolfi | 1987 | |  |
Visu rožu roze | Vladimirs Kaijaks | 1987 | |  |
Rīgas Domskola un izglītības pirmsākumi Baltijā | Autoru kolektīvs | 2012 | |  |
The Uncommon Reader | Alan Bennett | 2007 | |  |
Latgales likteņi | Francis Kemps | 1938 | |  |
Vol de Nuit | Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | 1931 | |  |
Quatrevingt-treize | Victor Hugo | 1874 | |  |
The Curtain | Milan Kundera | 2007 | |  |
Jelgavas futbola vēsture | Arnis Ērmanis | 2012 | |  |
Latvijas futbola tiesneši | Miķelis Rubenis un Pēteris Karlsons | 2018 | |  |
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products | Nir Eyal | 2014 | |  |
Materia botanica | Inga Žolude | 2018 | |  |
Silta zeme | Inga Žolude | 2008 | |  |
Havanas kaķu karalis | Toms Kreicbergs | 2019 | |  |
Le Petit Prince | Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | 1943 | |  |
Konstantīns Raudive | Pēteris Zeile | 2009 | |  |
Zvaigznei tikai stunda | Armands Melnalksnis | 2004 | |  |
Karaļa viesi | Mariss Vētra | 1954 | |  |
Monimbo | Arnaud de Borchgrave and Robert Moss | 1983 | |  |
Es nebiju varonis | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1955 | |  |
Frau Sorge | Hermann Sudermann | 1887 | |  |
Greyfriars Bobby | Eleanor Atkinson | 1912 | |  |
Против всех | Виктор Суворов | 2013 | |  |
Zaļš mutulis | Jānis Liepiņš | 1980 | |  |
Stāvais maršruts, 3.daļa | Jevgeņija Ginzburga | 1977 | |  |
Stāvais maršruts, 2.daļa | Jevgeņija Ginzburga | 1977 | |  |
Stāvais mašruts, 1.daļa | Jevgeņija Ginzburga | 1967 | |  |
Darbības māksla | Pēteris Pētersons | 1978 | |  |
Die Starken. Ein Athleten-Roman | Dolorosa | 1904 | |  |
Le Petite Chose | Alphonse Daudet | 1868 | |  |
Eat that Frog | Brian Tracy | 2001 | |  |
Caspar Hauser oder Die Trägheit des Herzens | Jakob Wassermann | 1908 | |  |
Svešie jeb Miļeņkij ti moi | Jana Egle | 2019 | |  |
Disrupted | Dan Lyons | 2016 | |  |
Hohma | Svens Kuzmins | 2019 | |  |
Le Liseur du 6h27 | Jean-Paul Didierlaurent | 2014 | |  |
A Horse Walks into a Bar | David Grossman | 2014 | |  |
Skolotāji | Andris Akmentiņš | 2018 | |  |
Kon-Tiki | Thor Heyerdahl | 1948 | |  |
Lejas Bulāna: latviešu ciems Sibīrijā | Vera Strautniece | 1995 | |  |
Le Passe-muraille | Marcel Aymé | 1943 | |  |
Quelques aspects du vertige Mondial | Pierre Loti | 1917 | |  |
The Wapshot Scandal | John Cheever | 1964 | |  |
Madame Ex | Hervé Bazin | 1975 | |  |
Uguns ceļi | Pāvils Rozītis | 1924 | |  |
Divas sejas | Pāvils Rozītis | 1921 | |  |
Christmas Holiday | William Somerset Maugham | 1939 | |  |
Latvijas hokeja izlase: Sākums. 1932–1940 | Andris Zeļenkovs | 2017 | |  |
Then and Now | William Somerset Maugham | 1945 | |  |
Alfred Nobel: A Biography | Kenne Fant | 1991 | |  |
The Hiding Place | Corrie ten Boom | 1971 | |  |
Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen | 1817 | |  |
Letters de mon moulin | Alphonse Daudet | 1869 | |  |
Svetļačok | Ruslan Kireev | 1987 | |  |
Piecas dienas | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1976 | |  |
Ideen. Das Buch le Grand | Heinrich Heine | 1826 | |  |
Тарантас | Владимир Соллогуб | 1843 | |  |
Les Nuits d'Orient, contes nocturnes | Joseph Méry | 1854 | |  |
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle | Stuart Turton | 2018 | |  |
stum stum | Andra Neiburga | 2002 | |  |
Buddenbrooks | Thomas Mann | 1901 | |  |
Hunt for Paradise | Thor Heyerdahl | 1938 | |  |
Narcissus | Brand Whitlock | 1931 | |  |
She | Henry Ridger Haggard | 1887 | |  |
Sadursme | Guna Roze | 2019 | |  |
Die Blendung | Elias Canetti | 1932 | |  |
The Beautiful and Damned | Francis Scott Fitzgerald | 1922 | |  |
Les Vacances | Comtesse de Ségur | 1859 | |  |
Не страшно тебе, яблоня, ночью в саду? | Marina Kosteņecka | 1989 | |  |
Die achatnen Kugeln | Kasimir Edschmid | 1920 | |  |
Zem šo debesu smaguma | Juris Putriņš | 1995 | |  |
Deputāta piezīmes | Oļegs Ščipcovs | 1994 | |  |
Mémoires d'un âne | Comtesse de Ségur | 1864 | |  |
Homo novus | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1944 | |  |
Sekss un vardarbība | Vilis Lācītis | 2018 | |  |
Tales of the Jazz Age | Francis Scott Fitzgerald | 1922 | |  |
Dr Katzenbergers Badereise | Jean Paul | 1808 | |  |
Man šķiet, mēs netikām šķīrušies | Marija Pļuhanova | 1999 | |  |
Contes de ma bruyère | Alix Teillard de Kerdrel | 1899 | |  |
Men Without Women | Haruki Murakami | 2017 | |  |
Cringeworthy. A theory of awkwardness | Melissa Dahl | 2018 | |  |
Ziemeļnieks | Jānis Plaudis | 1936 | |  |
Schelmuffsky | Christian Reuter | 1697 | |  |
Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung | Karl Ettlinger | 1919 | |  |
Bon Rétablissement | Marie-Sabine Roger | 2012 | |  |
Die Ursache | Thomas Bernhard | 1975 | |  |
Königliche Hoheit | Thomas Mann | 1909 | |  |
La Carte et le Territoire | Michel Houellebecq | 2010 | |  |
Running Time | Gavin Lambert | 1982 | |  |
The Red Pony | John Steinbeck | 1933 | |  |
Kur skatās vīrieši | Cals Melameds | 1974 | |  |
Karnevāls un kartupeļu salāti | Andrus Kivirähk | 2015 | |  |
Alias Grace | Margaret Atwood | 1996 | |  |
Наша маленькая жизнь | Мария Метлицкая | 2011 | |  |
Iz Baltikas | Mike Collier | 2018 | |  |
iPhuck 10 | Viktor Pelevin | 2018 | |  |
Lido domā kailiem spārniem | Valda Melgalve | 1999 | |  |
Ēdenes izpostīšana | Ints Lubējs | 1999 | |  |
La Chute | Albert Camus | 1956 | |  |
The Year of the Flood | Margaret Atwood | 2009 | |  |
Марш одиноких | Сергей Довлатов | 1983 | |  |
Наши | Сергей Довлатов | 1983 | |  |
Olympos | Dan Simmons | 2005 | |  |
Total Chaos | Jean-Claude Izzo | 1995 | |  |
Ilium | Dan Simmons | 2003 | |  |
Tiem, kas ceļā | Ēfraims Kišons | 1997 | |  |
Te bija Brita Marija | Frēdriks Bakmans | 2016 | |  |
Latviešu teātris anekdotos | Rutku Tēvs | 1943 | |  |
Odu laiks 1. daļa | Lienīte Medne, Vladis Spāre, Juris Zvirgzdiņš | 1994 | |  |
L'arbre des possibles | Bernard Werber | 2002 | |  |
Un crime en Hollande | Georges Simenon | 1931 | |  |
Līgavu mednieki | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1939 | |  |
Pērļu zvejnieks | Jānis Poruks | 1895 | |  |
Mātes piens | Nora Ikstena | 2016 | |  |
The Sheikh's Redemption | Olivia Gates | 2012 | |  |
Все мы дети своего времени: истории жизни русских в Латвии | Autoru kolektīvs | 2017 | |  |
Eugénie Grandet | Honoré de Balzac | 1833 | |  |
Čikāgas piecīšu brīnišķīgie piedzīvojumi | Alberts Legzdiņš | 1993 | |  |
Who Do You Think You Are | Alice Munro | 1978 | |  |
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck | Mark Manson | 2017 | |  |
Atmiņas par nākotni | Sigizmunds Kržižanovskis | 1929 | |  |
1913: Der Sommer des Jahrhunderts | Florian Illies | 2012 | |  |
The Knowledge | Lewis Dartnell | 2014 | |  |
Omce sūta sveicienus un atvainojas | Frēdriks Bakmans | 2013 | |  |
Der grüne Kakadu | Arthur Schnitzler | 1989 | |  |
Trois femmes puissantes | Marie NDiaye | 2009 | |  |
Casanovas Heimfahrt | Arthur Schnitzler | 1918 | |  |
Raising Steam | Terry Pratchett | 2013 | |  |
Le Troisième Mensonge | Agota Kristof | 1991 | |  |
Dienasgrāmata | Alvis Hermanis | 2016 | |  |
Unterm Rad | Hermann Hesse | 1906 | |  |
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow | Jerome Klapka Jerome | 1886 | |  |
Virsnieku sievas | Andra Manfelde | 2017 | |  |
How It Is made | Karel Chapek | 1938 | |  |
Школьный вальс, или Энергия стыда | Фазиль Искандер | 1987 | |  |
Es lauzu, tu lauzi, mēz lauzām. Viņi lūza | Sandra Kalniete | 1999 | |  |
Fanny Hill | John Cleland | 1748 | |  |
Das letzte Sandkorn | Bernhard Giersche | 2013 | |  |
Shoe Dog | Phil Knight | 2016 | |  |
Dubultnieki un citi stāsti | Toms Kreicbergs | 2011 | |  |
Replay | Benjamin Stein | 2012 | |  |
Et si c'etait vrai | Marc Levy | 1999 | |  |
Der Weg ins Freie | Arthur Schnitzler | 1908 | |  |
Minhauzena atgriešanās | Sigizmunds Kržižanovskis | 1928 | |  |
Le Père de nos pères | Bernard Werber | 1998 | |  |
Plikie rukši | Rihards Bargais | 2017 | |  |
50 Literature Ideas You Really Need to Know | John Sutherland | 2011 | |  |
How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking | Jordan Ellenberg | 2015 | |  |
Knulp | Hermann Hesse | 1915 | |  |
I Am Zlatan Ibrahimovic | David Lagercrantz | 2011 | |  |
Burtu slepkavu klubs | Sigizmunds Kržižanovskis | 1926 | |  |
Лампа Мафусаила, или Крайняя битва чекистов с масонами | Viktor Pelevin | 2016 | |  |
Un chien de caractère | Sandor Marai | 1932 | |  |
L'amica geniale | Elena Ferrante | 2011 | |  |
The Book of Disquiet | Fernando Pessoa | 1935 | |  |
Begegnung in Zürich | Herbert Schauer | 1980 | |  |
Istaba | Laima Muktupāvela | 2016 | |  |
Lust | Roald Dahl | n/a | |  |
The Martian | Andy Weir | 2011 | |  |
Lives of Girls and Women | Alice Munro | 1971 | |  |
The Rosie Project | Graeme Simsion | 2013 | |  |
The Black Dahlia | James Ellroy | 1987 | |  |
Viltotais Fausts | Marģers Zariņš | 1973 | |  |
La Preuve | Agota Kristof | 1988 | |  |
Peine perdue | Olivier Adam | 2014 | |  |
Knight's Gambit | William Faulkner | 1948 | |  |
On Beauty | Zadie Smith | 2005 | |  |
The First Bad Man | Miranda July | 2015 | |  |
Чувства | Вацлав Нижинский | 1919 | |  |
Dear Life | Alice Munro | 2012 | |  |
Чемодан | Сергей Довлатов | 1986 | |  |
Le grand cahier | Agota Kristof | 1986 | |  |
The Buried Giant | Kazuo Ishiguro | 2015 | |  |
Sweet Tooth | Ian McEwan | 2012 | |  |
The Bell Jar | Sylvia Plath | 1963 | |  |
Deep Work | Cal Newport | 2016 | |  |
Drei Erzählungen | Thomas Bernhard | 1973 | |  |
Время секонд-хэнд | Святлана Алексіевіч | 2013 | |  |
Solar | Ian McEwan | 2010 | |  |
Le Testament d'un excentrique | Jules Verne | 1899 | |  |
Голубое сало | Владимир Сорокин | 1999 | |  |
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage | Haruki Murakami | 2014 | |  |
Numero Zero | Umberto Eco | 2015 | |  |
Der Mann der durch das Jahrhundert fiel | Moritz Rinke | 2010 | |  |
The Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck | 1939 | |  |
L'analphabète | Agota Kristof | 2004 | |  |
Melu sindikāts | Ikars Piebalgs | 2015 | |  |
Notes from Underground | Fyodor Dostoyevsky | 1864 | |  |
Ceturtais lielākais Latvijā | Mike Collier | 2014 | |  |
I Am a Strange Loop | Douglas Hofstadter | 2007 | |  |
Un cirque passe | Patrick Modiano | 1992 | |  |
Buying a Fishing Rod for My Grandfather | Gao Xingjian | 1990 | |  |
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running | Haruki Murakami | 2007 | |  |
Peter Camerzind | Hermann Hesse | 1904 | |  |
Альтист Данилов | Владимир Орлов | 1980 | |  |
Demian | Hermann Hesse | 1919 | |  |
Robinson | Muriel Spark | 1958 | |  |
Перемещённое лицо | Владимир Войнович | 2007 | |  |
Претендент на престол | Владимир Войнович | 1979 | |  |
Chien de printemps | Patrick Modiano | 1993 | |  |
Жизнь и необычайные приключения солдата Ивана Чонкина | Владимир Войнович | 1973 | |  |
Er ist wieder da | Timur Vermes | 2012 | |  |
Vidvuda stāsts | Jānis Elksnītis un Edgars Krasts | 2006 | |  |
Startupland | Mikkel Svane | 2015 | |  |
The Information | James Gleick | 2011 | |  |
Vai te var dabūt alu? | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1961 | |  |
Rue des Boutiques Obscures | Patrico Modiano | 1978 | |  |
The Bachelors | Muriel Spark | 1960 | |  |
Moskva-Petushki | Venedict Yerofeyev | 1970 | |  |
Se dagens lys | Svend Aage Madsen | 1980 | |  |
Vārdiem nebija vietas | Guntis Berelis | 2015 | |  |
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie | Muriel Spark | 1961 | |  |
La Dentellière | Pascal Lainé | 1974 | |  |
Amsterdamas princips | Vilis Lācītis | 2013 | |  |
Melusine | Jakob Wassermann | 1898 | |  |
Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers | Geoffrey A. Moore | 2014 | |  |
Programming the Mobile Web: 2nd Edition | Maximiliano Firtman | 2013 | |  |
Le Sumo qui ne pouvait pas grossir | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2012 | |  |
Napoleon Symphony | Anthony Burgess | 1974 | |  |
Batman Apollo | Viktor Pelevin | 2013 | |  |
Jacques le fataliste et son maître | Denis Diderot | 1796 | |  |
Der Tod in Venedig | Thomas Mann | 1912 | |  |
Skaistākā pilsēta pasaulē | Nicodemus Rigensis | 2012 | |  |
Tales of Mystery and Imagination | Edgar Allan Poe | n/a | |  |
L'Étranger | Albert Camus | 1942 | |  |
Le Testament français | Andreï Makine | 1995 | |  |
Every Third Thought: A Novel in Five Seasons | John Barth | 2011 | |  |
Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne | Peter Høeg | 1992 | |  |
Erotic Cinema | Douglas Keesey | 2005 | |  |
Lorsque j'étais une oeuvre d'art | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2002 | |  |
The Hothouse by the East River | Muriel Spark | 1973 | |  |
Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age | Bohumil Hrabal | 1964 | |  |
Loitering with Intent | Muriel Spark | 1981 | |  |
Invisible Cities | Italo Calvino | 1972 | |  |
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions | Randall Munroe | 2014 | |  |
Before She Met Me | Julian Barnes | 1982 | |  |
Kloktat dehet | Jáchym Topol | 2005 | |  |
Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine | 1990 | |  |
Es sevi atradu hokejā | Jānis Kvēps | 2011 | |  |
Portraits of a Marriage | Sandor Marai | 1980 | |  |
Balderis 19 | Armands Puče | 2012 | |  |
England, England | Julian Barnes | 1998 | |  |
Jacques and his Master | Milan Kundera | 1971 | |  |
Worlds of Maybe | Various | 1970 | |  |
Hitchhiker: A Biography of Douglas Adams | M.J. Simpson | 2003 | |  |
Encounter | Milan Kundera | 2009 | |  |
One Hand Clapping | Anthony Burgess | 1961 | |  |
Erewhon | Samuel Butler | 1872 | |  |
Jelgava 94 | Jānis Joņevs | 2013 | |  |
La Part de l'autre | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2001 | |  |
He Knew He Was Right | Anthony Trollope | 1869 | |  |
The Golden Ass | Apuleius | 165 | |  |
Molloy | Samuel Beckett | 1951 | |  |
t zero | Italo Calvino | 1967 | |  |
Cosmicomics | Italo Calvino | 1965 | |  |
Das Glasperlenspiel | Hermann Hesse | 1943 | |  |
The Testament of Mary | Colm Tóibín | 2012 | |  |
Arthur and George | Julian Barnes | 2005 | |  |
The Wide Lens: A New Strategy for Innovation | Ron Adner | 2012 | |  |
The Book Thief | Markus Zusak | 2006 | |  |
While Mortals Sleep | Kurt Vonnegut | 2011 | |  |
Jaunatnes teātris | Silvija Geikina | 2012 | |  |
Slapstick | Kurt Vonnegut | 1976 | |  |
Bluebeard | Kurt Vonnegut | 1987 | |  |
Player Piano | Kurt Vonnegut | 1952 | |  |
Cat's Cradle | Kurt Vonnegut | 1963 | |  |
Walden | Henry David Thoreau | 1854 | |  |
Within a Budding Grove | Marcel Proust | 1919 | |  |
Hell | Henri Barbusse | 1908 | |  |
A Bend in the River | V. S. Naipaul | 1979 | |  |
Growth of the Soil | Knut Hamsun | 1908 | |  |
Путевые портреты с морским пейзажем: Повести и рассказы | Виктор Конецкий | 1984 | |  |
Three Lives | Gertrude Stein | 1909 | |  |
Captain Corelli`s Mandolin | Louis de Bernières | 1994 | |  |
The Wasp Factory | Iain Banks | 1984 | |  |
Extension du domaine de la lutte | Michel Houellebecq | 1994 | |  |
The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald | 1922 | |  |
Ma vie avec Mozart | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2005 | |  |
Umbrella | Will Self | 2012 | |  |
Mr. Palomar | Italo Calvino | 1983 | |  |
Getting to Know the General | Graham Greene | 1984 | |  |
Rīga-Pekina | Ilona Balode | 2012 | |  |
Switch Bitch | Roald Dahl | 1974 | |  |
Talking It Over | Julian Barnes | 1991 | |  |
The Last Word and Other Stories | Graham Greene | 1990 | |  |
The Lawless Roads | Graham Greene | 1939 | |  |
A Sort of Life | Graham Greene | 1971 | |  |
A World of My Own: A Dream Diary | Graham Greene | 1992 | |  |
На куличках | Евгений Замятин | 1913 | |  |
The Stranger`s Child | Alan Hollinghurst | 2011 | |  |
Доктор Вишневская. Клинический случай | Андрей Шляхов | 2012 | |  |
Tender Is the Night | F. Scott Fitzgerald | 1934 | |  |
My Early Life | Winston Churchill | 1930 | |  |
Del Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida | Miguel de Unamuno | 1912 | |  |
Before and After | Rosellen Brown | 1993 | |  |
When I thought that Beethoven was dead while many cretins lived | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2010 | |  |
S.N.U.F.F. | Виктор Пелевин | 2011 | |  |
An Ideal Husband | Oscar Wilde | 1895 | |  |
Salome | Oscar Wilde | 1891 | |  |
A Woman of No Importance | Oscar Wilde | 1893 | |  |
Lady Windermeres Fan | Oscar Wilde | 1892 | |  |
Communion Town | Sam Thompson | 2012 | |  |
Skios: A Novel | Michael Frayn | 2012 | |  |
Narcopolis | Jeet Thayil | 2012 | |  |
The Lighthouse | Alison Moore | 2012 | |  |
Ziemeļlatvijas un Cēsu kauju piemiņai | Autoru kolektīvs | 1926 | |  |
Padomju Latvijas ikdiena | Juris Pavlovičs | 2012 | |  |
Swimming Home | Deborah Levy | 2012 | |  |
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry | Rachel Joyce | 2012 | |  |
The Teleportation Accident | Ned Beauman | 2012 | |  |
The Duchess of Padua | Oscar Wilde | 1883 | |  |
SEO Made Simple (2nd edition) | Michael Fleischner | 2010 | |  |
The History Man | Malcolm Bradbury | 1975 | |  |
SEO Made Easy | Brad Callen | 2006 | |  |
Vera or The Nihilists | Oscar Wilde | 1880 | |  |
Half-Blood Blues | Esi Edugyan | 2011 | |  |
The Testament of Jessie Lamb | Jane Rogers | 2011 | |  |
The Last Hundred Days | Patrick McGuinness | 2011 | |  |
The Importance of Being Earnest | Oscar Wilde | 1895 | |  |
Pigeon English | Stephen Kelman | 2011 | |  |
Pamodināt Lāčplēsi | Vilis Lācītis | 2011 | |  |
Stroika ar skatu uz Londonu | Vilis Lācītis | 2010 | |  |
The Cat`s Table | Michael Ondaatje | 2011 | |  |
The Buddha in the Attic | Julie Otsuka | 2011 | |  |
Garais ceļš uz Hantimansijsku | Vilis Lācītis un Šmidzis K.Vāverts | 2012 | |  |
22 Britannia Road | Amanda Hodgkinson | 2011 | |  |
Liepājas futbola spožums un ēnas | Andžils Remess | 2012 | |  |
Swamplandia! | Karen Russell | 2011 | |  |
Not George Washington | P.G. Wodehouse | 1907 | |  |
Death At The Excelsior and Other Stories | P.G. Wodehouse | 1921 | |  |
Steve Jobs | Walter Isaacson | 2011 | |  |
1Q84 | Haruki Murakami | 2011 | |  |
The Sense of an Ending | Julian Barnes | 2011 | |  |
Madame Bovary | Gustave Flaubert | 1856 | |  |
A Brief History of Time | Steven Hawking | 1988 | |  |
Women | Charles Bukowski | 1978 | |  |
Fever Pitch | Nick Hornby | 1992 | |  |
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress | Robert A. Heinlein | 1966 | |  |
Lībiešu folklora | Marija Valda Šuvcāne | 2003 | |  |
High Fidelity | Nick Hornby | 1995 | |  |
You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News | | 2010 | |  |
Something Wicked This Way Comes | Ray Bradbury | 1962 | |  |
A Tramp Abroad | Mark Twain | 1880 | |  |
No Man`s Land | Graham Greene | 2005 | |  |
It`s a Battlefield | Graham Greene | 1934 | |  |
A Princess of Mars | Edgar Rice Burroughs | 1917 | |  |
Suck It, Wonder Woman! | Olivia Munn | 2010 | |  |
Concerto in Memory of an Angel | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2009 | |  |
The Day of the Triffids | John Wyndham | 1951 | |  |
The Confidential Agent | Graham Greene | 1939 | |  |
Stamboul Train | Graham Greene | 1932 | |  |
The Aerodrome | Rex Warner | 1941 | |  |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle | 1892 | |  |
My Man Jeeves | P.G. Wodehouse | 1919 | |  |
The Prague Cemetery | Umberto Eco | 2010 | |  |
t | Viktor Pelevin | 2009 | |  |
The Victim | Saul Bellow | 1947 | |  |
The Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway | 1951 | |  |
The Girls of Slender Means | Muriel Spark | 1963 | |  |
The Looking Glass War | John le Carré | 1965 | |  |
The Bonesetter`s Daughter | Amy Tan | 2001 | |  |
Ape and Essence | Aldous Huxley | 1948 | |  |
The Anti-Death League | Kingsley Amis | 1966 | |  |
The Honorary Consul | Graham Greene | 1973 | |  |
Pygmy | Chuck Palahniuk | 2000 | |  |
Love in the Time of Cholera | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 1985 | |  |
A Scanner Darkly | Philip K. Dick | 1977 | |  |
Pedro Paramo | Juan Rulfo | 1955 | |  |
VALIS | Philip K. Dick | 1980 | |  |
Tuesdays with Morrie | Mitch Albom | 1997 | |  |
The Human Stain | Philip Roth | 2000 | |  |
Война и миръ: Том IV | Лев Толстой | 1869 | |  |
Война и миръ: Том III | Лев Толстой | 1869 | |  |
Война и миръ: Том II | Лев Толстой | 1869 | |  |
Manual of Zen Buddhism | D.T. Suzuki | 1950 | |  |
Война и миръ: Том I | Лев Толстой | 1869 | |  |
The Minority Report | Philip K. Dick | 1958 | |  |
Zen Mind, Beginner`s Mind | Shunryu Suzuki | 1970 | |  |
Ubik | Philip K. Dick | 1969 | |  |
The Man in the High Castle | Philip K. Dick | 1963 | |  |
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said | Philip K. Dick | 1970 | |  |
Choke | Chuck Palahniuk | 2001 | |  |
The Man Who Knew Too Much | G.K.Chesterton | 1922 | |  |
The Colour of Magic | Terry Pratchett | 1983 | |  |
Ананасная вода для прекрасной дамы | Viktor Pelevin | 2011 | |  |
The Toughest Indian in the World | Sherman Alexie | 2000 | |  |
Blick auf einen fernen Berg | Dieter Wellershoff | 1991 | |  |
All Quiet on the Orient Express | Magnus Mills | 1999 | |  |
Life Before Man | Margaret Atwood | 1979 | |  |
The Tenth Man | Graham Greene | 1985 | |  |
Latvijas basketbola vēsture | Various | 1998 | |  |
Loser Takes All | Graham Greene | 1956 | |  |
Henderson the Rain King | Saul Bellow | 1959 | |  |
A Gun for Sale | Graham Greene | 1936 | |  |
England Made Me | Graham Greene | 1935 | |  |
Melnās ripas bruņinieki | Ainis Ulmanis | 1998 | |  |
Die Versammlung der Engel im Hotel Excelsior | Dante Andrea Franzetti | 1990 | |  |
The Dharma Bums | Jack Kerouac | 1958 | |  |
Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee | Thomas Brussig | 1999 | |  |
The Ballad of Peckham Rye | Muriel Spark | 1960 | |  |
Sweet Thursday | John Steinbeck | 1954 | |  |
Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody | Michael Gerber | 2002 | |  |
Das geheime Fieber | Christoph Geiser | 1987 | |  |
Aiding and Abetting | Muriel Spark | 2000 | |  |
Reigen | Arthur Schnitzler | 1900 | |  |
Grimus | Salman Rushdie | 1975 | |  |
Symposium | Muriel Spark | 1990 | |  |
Triglavs Töchter | Theodora von Born-Pilsach | 1981 | |  |
The Last Picture Show | Larry McMurtry | 1966 | |  |
Dark as the Grave wherein my Friend is Laid | Malcolm Lowry | 1968 | |  |
Ransom | Jay McInerney | 1985 | |  |
Slēptais brasls | Petrs Dirģēla | 1984 | |  |
The Trouble with Physics | Lee Smolin | 2006 | |  |
Setting Free the Bears | John Irving | 1968 | |  |
Plenty | David Hare | 1978 | |  |
In New York | Alban Nikolai Herbst | 2000 | |  |
Vai viegli būt elkam | Tatjana Fasta | 2010 | |  |
Der Tangospieler | Christoph Hein | 1989 | |  |
Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours | Jules Verne | 1873 | |  |
The Ice People | Maggie Gee | 1999 | |  |
Bitter Lemons of Cyprus | Lawrence Durrell | 1957 | |  |
Listeners | Sally Emerson | 1983 | |  |
Treffpunkt Notenschlüssel | Doris Jannausch | 1982 | |  |
The Return of John MacNab | Andrew Greig | 1996 | |  |
Reef | Romesh Gunesekera | 1994 | |  |
Herr Arnes penningar | Selma Lagerlöf | 1904 | |  |
Sind sie nicht alle ein bisschen Paul? | Anette Göttlicher | 2005 | |  |
Burn | Deep Purple | 1974 | |  |
Die Ritter der Tafelrunde und andere Stuecke | Christoph Hein | 1990 | |  |
The Spire | William Golding | 1964 | |  |
Of Mice and Men | John Steinbeck | 1937 | |  |
Mein letzter Mann | Hannelies Taschau | 1992 | |  |
Monkfish Moon | Romesh Gunesekera | 1992 | |  |
The Grand Babylon Hotel | Arnold Bennett | 1902 | |  |
La Possibilité d`une île | Michel Houellebecq | 2005 | |  |
Weh dem, der aus der Reihe tanzt | Ludwig Harig | 1990 | |  |
Tales of the Five Towns | Arnold Bennett | 1905 | |  |
Schloß Gripsholm | Kurt Tucholsky | 1931 | |  |
In Search of a Character: Two African Journals | Graham Greene | 1961 | |  |
Tree and Leaf | J.R.R.Tolkien | 1964 | |  |
Novellen | Jakob Julius David | 0 | |  |
Requiem for a Nun | William Faulkner | 1951 | |  |
Ein Mann, Ein Mord | Jakob Arjouni | 1991 | |  |
A Sense of Reality | Graham Greene | 1963 | |  |
May we borrow your husband? | Graham Greene | 1967 | |  |
Die Maus im Jumbo-Jet | Rolf Wilhelm Brednich | 1991 | |  |
Ways of Escape | Graham Greene | 1980 | |  |
The Wee Free Men | Terry Pratchett | 2003 | |  |
Durcheinandertal | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1989 | |  |
Mūžības skartie | Aleksandrs Čaks | 1939 | |  |
Das Napoleon-Spiel | Christoph Hein | 1993 | |  |
Trying to Save Piggy Sneed | John Irving | 1996 | |  |
Doctor Fischer of Geneva | Graham Greene | 1980 | |  |
Night and Day | Tom Stoppard | 1978 | |  |
The Human Factor | Graham Greene | 1978 | |  |
Die Lehre der Sainte-Victoire | Peter Handke | 1980 | |  |
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents | Terry Pratchett | 2001 | |  |
Nimmersatt | Sabine Peters | 2000 | |  |
Patiesībā bija tā. Futbols Latvijā (1907-2009) | Ainis Ulmanis | 2010 | |  |
Twenty-One Stories | Graham Greene | 1954 | |  |
Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 2004 | |  |
Emotionally Weird | Kate Atkinson | 2000 | |  |
Am Hang | Markus Werner | 2004 | |  |
Journey Without Maps | Graham Greene | 1936 | |  |
Я и ты под персиковыми облаками... | Dina Rubina | 2008 | |  |
Last Night`s Fun: About Time, Food and Music | Ciaran Carson | 1996 | |  |
Adam, One Afternoon, and Other Stories | Italo Calvino | 1957 | |  |
Over to You: Ten Stories of Flyers and Flying | Roald Dahl | 1946 | |  |
The Power and the Glory | Graham Greene | 1940 | |  |
Dirt Music | Tim Winton | 2001 | |  |
Ulysses from Bagdad | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2008 | |  |
On Chesil Beach | Ian McEwan | 2007 | |  |
A Burnt-Out Case | Graham Greene | 1960 | |  |
Почерк Леонардо | Dina Rubina | 2008 | |  |
Laikmetu maiņā: 5.daļa | Fēliks Cielēns | 1964 | |  |
The House of the Seven Gables | Nathaniel Hawthorne | 1851 | |  |
Baldera skalpu man nevajag | Jānis Matulis | 2006 | |  |
Laikmetu maiņā: 4.daļa | Fēliks Cielēns | 1963 | |  |
The End of the Affair | Graham Greene | 1951 | |  |
Laikmetu maiņā: 3.daļa | Fēlikss Cielēns | 1963 | |  |
Brighton Rock | Graham Greene | 1938 | |  |
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid | Douglas Hofstadter | 1979 | |  |
День опричника | Владимир Сорокин | 2006 | |  |
Собрание сочинений: проза | Тэффи | 1999 | |  |
Jakob schäft | Klaus Merz | 1997 | |  |
The Full Cupboard of Life | Alexander McCall Smith | 2003 | |  |
Laikmetu maiņā: 2.daļa | Fēlikss Cielēns | 1962 | |  |
Laikmetu maiņā: 1.daļa | Fēlikss Cielēns | 1961 | |  |
Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke | Günter Grass | 1972 | |  |
Сахарный Кремль | Владимир Сорокин | 2008 | |  |
Zeit zu leben und Zeit zu sterben | Erich Maria Remarque | 1954 | |  |
Appointment with Death | Agatha Christie | 1938 | |  |
44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith | 2005 | |  |
Kular af degi | Kristín Marja Baldursdóttir | 1999 | |  |
Возвращение | Александр Галич | 1990 | |  |
Жизнь господина де Мольера | Mikhail Bulgakov | 1933 | |  |
Заповедник | Сергей Довлатов | 1983 | |  |
The Coup | John Updike | 1978 | |  |
Белая гвардия | Mikhail Bulgakov | 1924 | |  |
Šolaiku bestiārijs | Gundega Repše | 1994 | |  |
Zwei alte Tanten tanzen Tango | Georg Kreisler | 1964 | |  |
Chronicle of a Death Foretold | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 1981 | |  |
Зона: Записки надзирателя | Сергей Довлатов | 1982 | |  |
Компромисс | Сергей Довлатов | 1981 | |  |
Машенька | Vladimir Nabokov | 1926 | |  |
Pasaules pagalmos | Astrīde Ivaska | 2003 | |  |
Devochki | Ludmila Ulitskaya | 2002 | |  |
Bodily Harm | Margaret Atwood | 1981 | |  |
Король, дама, валет | Vladimir Nabokov | 1928 | |  |
Защита Лужина | Vladimir Nabokov | 1930 | |  |
Roverandom | J.R.R.Tolkien | 1937 | |  |
Latviešu seksualitātes vēsture | Māris Ruks | 2000 | |  |
Ich bin kein Berliner | Vladimir Kaminer | 2006 | |  |
Подвиг | Vladimir Nabokov | 1932 | |  |
Камера Обскура | Vladimir Nabokov | 1932 | |  |
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers | Maria Augusta von Trapp | 1949 | |  |
Illuminations | Arhur Rimbaud | 1874 | |  |
Une Saison en Enfer | Arthur Rimbaud | 1873 | |  |
Also sprach Zarathustra | Friedrich Nietzsche | 1885 | |  |
After Dark | Haruki Murakami | 2004 | |  |
Down and Out in Paris and London | George Orwell | 1933 | |  |
The Interrogation | J. M. G. Le Clézio | 1963 | |  |
Radio Luxembourg | Egīls Venters | 2007 | |  |
Youth: Scenes from Provincial Life II | J. M. Coetzee | 2002 | |  |
Электронная почта | Сусанна Черноброва | 2008 | |  |
Leaf Storm | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 1955 | |  |
Lord Malquist and Mr Moon | Tom Stoppard | 1966 | |  |
The Napoleon of Notting Hill | G.K. Chesterton | 1904 | |  |
Life is Elsewhere | Milan Kundera | 1973 | |  |
The Castle of Crossed Destinies | Italo Calvino | 1973 | |  |
Days With Diam or Life at Night | Svend Aage Madsen | 1972 | |  |
My Uncle Oswald | Roald Dahl | 1979 | |  |
Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogo | Miguel de Unamuno | 1920 | |  |
Perelandra | C.S.Lewis | 1943 | |  |
The Alchemist | Paulo Coelho | 1988 | |  |
The Deeper Meaning of Liff | Douglas Adams | 1990 | |  |
Flaubert`s Parrot | Julian Barnes | 1984 | |  |
Beneath the red banner | Lao She | 1966 | |  |
Pasaule pēc tam | Artūrs Snips | 2006 | |  |
Rickshaw Boy | Lao She | 1937 | |  |
The Acacia | Claud Simon | 1989 | |  |
Drēbes jeb Ādama tērps | Pauls Bankovskis | 2006 | |  |
Let`s Hear It for the Deaf Man | Ed McBain | 1972 | |  |
Le Papillon Des Etoiles | Bernard Werber | 2006 | |  |
The English Patient | Michael Ondaatje | 1992 | |  |
The Prince | Nicolo Macchiavelli | 1532 | |  |
Way Station | Clifford D. Simak | 1963 | |  |
Lady Chatterley`s Lover | D.H.Lawrence | 1928 | |  |
The Enchantress of Florence | Salman Rushdie | 2008 | |  |
Sekreti | Pauls Bankovskis | 2003 | |  |
Henry and Cato | Iris Murdoch | 1976 | |  |
Kā uzlabot omu | Vitaute Žilinskaite | 1986 | |  |
Miss Smilla`s Sense of Snow | Peter Hoeg | 1992 | |  |
The Acid House | Irvine Welsh | 1994 | |  |
Ugunīgi vērši ar zelta ragiem | Guntis Berelis | 2007 | |  |
Gūtenmorgens | Māris Bērziņš | 2007 | |  |
South of the Border, West of the Sun | Haruki Murakami | 1992 | |  |
Un peso en el mundo | Jose Maria Guelbenzu | 1999 | |  |
The Hotel New Hampshire | John Irving | 1981 | |  |
December | Elizabeth H Winthrop | 2008 | |  |
Pupok | Viktor Erofeev | 2003 | |  |
The Rainmaker | John Grisham | 1995 | |  |
Padomju Latvijas sieviete | Pauls Bankovskis | 2000 | |  |
Bronsteins Kinder | Jurek Becker | 1986 | |  |
An Irish Eye | John Hawkes | 1997 | |  |
Ofšors | Pauls Bankovskis | 2006 | |  |
New Europe | Michael Palin | 2007 | |  |
The Man Who Watched Trains Go By | Georges Simenon | 1938 | |  |
Our Man in Havana | Graham Greene | 1958 | |  |
Skola | Pauls Bankovskis | 2006 | |  |
The Bird Artist | Howard Norman | 1994 | |  |
Beginning | Andrzej Szczypiorski | 1986 | |  |
The Centaur | John Updike | 1963 | |  |
The Captain and the Enemy | Graham Greene | 1988 | |  |
Paare, Passanten | Botho Strauss | 1981 | |  |
The Moon is Down | John Steinbeck | 1942 | |  |
Monsignor Quixote | Graham Greene | 1982 | |  |
The Rebels | Šāndors Mārai | 1930 | |  |
The Unconsoled | Kazuo Ishiguro | 1995 | |  |
The Alphabet of Manliness | Maddox | 2006 | |  |
Das Traibhaus | Wolfgang Koeppen | 1953 | |  |
The Quiet American | Graham Greene | 1955 | |  |
Travels with My Aunt | Graham Greene | 1968 | |  |
The Voices of Marrakesh | Elias Canetti | 1968 | |  |
The Comedians | Graham Greene | 1966 | |  |
The Mystery of Gods | Bernard Werber | 2007 | |  |
Empire V | Viktor Pelevin | 2006 | |  |
The Dreamer of Ostend | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2007 | |  |
The Ministry of Fear | Graham Greene | 1943 | |  |
The Nice and the Good | Iris Murdoch | 1968 | |  |
Wellen | Eduard von Keyserling | 1911 | |  |
Saturday | Ian McEwan | 2005 | |  |
The Man Within | Graham Greene | 1929 | |  |
The Periodic Table | Primo Levi | 1975 | |  |
The Innocent | Ian McEwan | 1990 | |  |
Time and Again | Clifford D. Simak | 1951 | |  |
Jackson`s Dilemma | Iris Murdoch | 1995 | |  |
The Pursuer | Julio Cortazar | 1959 | |  |
Beautiful Losers | Leonard Cohen | 1966 | |  |
Transmission | Hari Kunzru | 2004 | |  |
Sanctuary | William Faulkner | 1931 | |  |
Latvijas olimpiskā vēsture | Various | 2003 | |  |
Beat Stories | Various | 2008 | |  |
Haroun and the Sea of Stories | Salman Rushdie | 1990 | |  |
The Plot Against America | Philip Roth | 2004 | |  |
Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad | 1899 | |  |
City of Glass | Paul Auster | 1985 | |  |
If on a winter`s night a traveler | Italo Calvino | 1979 | |  |
An Unofficial Rose | Iris Murdoch | 1962 | |  |
The Talented Mr. Ripley | Patricia Highsmith | 1955 | |  |
Conversations in Bolzano | Šāndors Mārai | 1940 | |  |
The Child in Time | Ian McEwan | 1987 | |  |
The Third Man | Graham Greene | 1950 | |  |
To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf | 1927 | |  |
Enduring Love | Ian McEwan | 1997 | |  |
Orlando | Virginia Woolf | 1928 | |  |
A Maggot | John Fowles | 1985 | |  |
Portnoy`s Complaint | Philip Roth | 1969 | |  |
A Room of One`s Own | Virginia Woolf | 1929 | |  |
Burmese Days | George Orwell | 1934 | |  |
Killing Me Softly | Nicci French | 1999 | |  |
The First Circle | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | 1958 | |  |
Malone Dies | Samuel Beckett | 1951 | |  |
News from Nowhere | William Morris | 1890 | |  |
The Leopard | Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa | 1958 | |  |
Katze und Maus | Günter Grass | 1961 | |  |
Diary of a Nobody | George Grossmith | 1888 | |  |
Cancer Ward | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | 1968 | |  |
The Island of Doctor Moreau | H.G.Wells | 1896 | |  |
Murphy | Samuel Beckett | 1938 | |  |
Turn of the Screw | Henry James | 1898 | |  |
Doctor Zhivago | Boris Pasternak | 1956 | |  |
Keep the Aspidistra Flying | George Orwell | 1936 | |  |
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | 1962 | |  |
Lord Jim | Joseph Conrad | 1900 | |  |
Catch-22 | Joseph Heller | 1961 | |  |
Coming Up for Air | George Orwell | 1938 | |  |
The Blind Assassin | Margaret Atwood | 2000 | |  |
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul | Douglas Adams | 1988 | |  |
The Man of Property | John Galsworthy | 1906 | |  |
Everyman | Philip Roth | 2006 | |  |
Justine | Marquis de Sade | 1791 | |  |
Dictionary of the Khazars | Milorad Pavich | 1984 | |  |
Dirk Gently`s Holistic Detective Agency | Douglas Adams | 1987 | |  |
The Comfort of Strangers | Ian McEwan | 1981 | |  |
All Flesh Is Grass | Clifford D. Simak | 1965 | |  |
The Space Merchants | Frederic Pohl and Cyril Kornbluth | 1953 | |  |
Sargasso of Space | Andre Norton | 1955 | |  |
She Lover of Death | Boris Akunin | 2000 | |  |
Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves | P.G.Wodehouse | 1963 | |  |
Amsterdam | Ian McEwan | 1998 | |  |
Klosterkalns | Arnolds Apse | 1980 | |  |
Captain Pantoja and the Special Service | Mario Vargas Llosa | 1973 | |  |
I`m Leaving | Jean Echenoz | 1999 | |  |
The Ball is Round: A global history of football | David Goldblatt | 2006 | |  |
Rokupācija | Uldis Rudaks | 2008 | |  |
Nero | Aleksandr Kravchuk | 1989 | |  |
Niebla | Miguel de Unamuno | 1914 | |  |
The Black Cauldron | William Heinesen | 1948 | |  |
Space Mowgli | Arkady and Boris Strugatsky | 1971 | |  |
Roadside Picnic | Arkady and Boris Strugatsky | 1972 | |  |
Naomi | Junichiro Tanizaki | 1924 | |  |
Staiceles futbolam 80 | Gunta Sebre | 2006 | |  |
Kasandras zīme | Chingiz Aitmatov | 1996 | |  |
En avant, calme et droit | Francois Nourissier | 1987 | |  |
Senza sangue | Alessandro Baricco | 2002 | |  |
La fete des peres | Francois Nourissier | 1985 | |  |
Dude, Where`s My Country? | Michael Moore | 2003 | |  |
Pansija pilī | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1962 | |  |
Oublier Palerme | Edmonde Charles-Roux | 1966 | |  |
Stebelek i dva listka | Vladimir Mihailov | 1984 | |  |
Latvijas futbolam - 100 | Miķelis Rubenis | 2006 | |  |
The Plague | Albert Camus | 1947 | |  |
The Stoic | Theodore Dreiser | 1945 | |  |
Lies and Silence | Katrin Dorn | 2000 | |  |
The Drowned World | J. G. Ballard | 1962 | |  |
El cacique | Luis Romero | 1963 | |  |
Illusions | Richard Bach | 1977 | |  |
The Moon and Sixpence | William Somerset Maugham | 1919 | |  |
They and I | Jerome Klapka Jerome | 1909 | |  |
Ingemandsland | Kirsten Thorup | 2003 | |  |
Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami | 2002 | |  |
Froth on the daydream | Boris Vian | 1947 | |  |
The Five People You Meet in Heaven | Mitch Albom | 2003 | |  |
The Trial | Frankz Kafka | 1925 | |  |
Cirka direktora meita | Justeins Gorders | 2001 | |  |
Captain Nemo`s library | Per Olov Enquist | 1991 | |  |
In Praise of Shadows | Junichiro Tanizaki | 1933 | |  |
Latvijas futbola vēsture | Miķelis Rubenis | 2000 | |  |
Life of Pi | Yann Martel | 2001 | |  |
Black Dogs | Ian McEwan | 1992 | |  |
Sveces izdeg līdz galam | Šāndors Mārai | 1942 | |  |
One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 1967 | |  |
Kim | Rudyard Kipling | 1901 | |  |
Katinka | Herman Bang | 1886 | |  |
Zazie in the Metro | Raymond Queneau | 1959 | |  |
Naivee. Super | Erlend Lou | 1996 | |  |
Germinie Lacerteux | Edmond and Jules de Goncourt | 1865 | |  |
The Outsider | Richard Wright | 1953 | |  |
The Namesake | Jhumpa Lahiri | 2004 | |  |
The bird of death | Andre-Marcel Adamek | 1995 | |  |
Return to the village of winter | Andre-Marcel Adamek | 2002 | |  |
Laughable Loves | Milan Kundera | 1968 | |  |
An Accidental Man | Iris Murdoch | 1971 | |  |
Omon Ra | Viktor Pelevin | 1993 | |  |
El Tunel | Ernesto Sabato | 1948 | |  |
The Good Soldier Švejk and His Fortunes in the World War (parts 3-4) | Jaroslav Hašek | 1923 | |  |
No One Writes to the Colonel | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 1961 | |  |
Almost Transparent Blue | Ryū Murakami | 1976 | |  |
The Good Soldier Švejk and His Fortunes in the World War (parts 1-2) | Jaroslav Hašek | 1923 | |  |
Gang of Harp | Menis Koumantareas | 1993 | |  |
The Quarry | Damon Galgut | 1994 | |  |
When we were orphans | Kazuo Ishiguro | 2000 | |  |
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater | Kurt Vonnegut | 1965 | |  |
La Révolution Des Fourmis | Bernard Werber | 1996 | |  |
Aleph | Jorge Luis Borges | 1949 | |  |
I Served the King of England | Bohumil Hrabal | 1971 | |  |
Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh | 1930 | |  |
Ifolge Sofia | Eystein Lenn | 2003 | |  |
Let Time Pass | Svend Aage Madsen | 1986 | |  |
The Gardener`s Year | Karel Chapek | 1929 | |  |
Candide | Voltaire | 1759 | |  |
The Painted Room | Inger Christensen | 1976 | |  |
The mother and the dog | Anja Snellman | 2002 | |  |
The Breath of the Gods | Bernard Werber | 2005 | |  |
Chapayev and Void | Viktor Pelevin | 1996 | |  |
A Pale View of Hills | Kazuo Ishiguro | 1982 | |  |
Never Let Me Go | Kazuo Ishiguro | 2005 | |  |
The Ungodly Farce | Svend Aage Madsen | 2002 | |  |
Farmer in the Sky | Robert Anson Heinlein | 1950 | |  |
Maps for Lost Lovers | Nadeem Aslam | 2004 | |  |
The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde | Peter Ackroyd | 1983 | |  |
The Sirens of Titan | Kurt Vonnegut | 1959 | |  |
Timequake | Kurt Vonnegut | 1997 | |  |
The Day of the Ants | Bernard Werber | 1992 | |  |
Three Men in a Boat | Jerome K. Jerome | 1889 | |  |
Hocus Pocus | Kurt Vonnegut | 1990 | |  |
Life, the Universe and Everything | Douglas Adams | 1982 | |  |
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe | Douglas Adams | 1980 | |  |
The Ants | Bernard Werber | 1991 | |  |
Breakfast of the Champions | Kurt Vonnegut | 1973 | |  |
The Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Galaxy | Douglas Adams | 1979 | |  |
Us, Gods | Bernard Werber | 2004 | |  |
Deadeye Dick | Kurt Vonnegut | 1982 | |  |
Jailbird | Kurt Vonnegut | 1979 | |  |
Hear the Wind Sing | Haruki Murakami | 1979 | |  |
Mother Night | Kurt Vonnegut | 1961 | |  |
Pinball, 1973 | Haruki Murakami | 1980 | |  |
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle | Haruki Murakami | 1995 | |  |
The Farewell Waltz | Milan Kundera | 1976 | |  |
Rabbits and Constrictors | Фазиль Искандер | 1973 | |  |
The Life of Insects | Viktor Pelevin | 1993 | |  |
The Book of laughter and forgetting | Milan Kundera | 1979 | |  |
Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre | 1938 | |  |
The Elephant Vanishes | Haruki Murakami | 1993 | |  |
Douglas Adams` Starship Titanic | Terry Jones | 1998 | |  |
Slaughterhouse-Five | Kurt Vonnegut | 1969 | |  |
Immortality | Milan Kundera | 1990 | |  |
Kuņas dēls | Jānis Rozītis | 1995 | |  |
Man without a Country | Kurt Vonnegut | 2005 | |  |
Gals un sākums | Rainis | 1912 | |  |
Cūku grāmata | Jānis Einfelds | 1996 | |  |
Generation P | Viktor Pelevin | 1999 | |  |
The Black Prince | Iris Murdoch | 1973 | |  |
Horoshij Stalin | Viktor Erofeev | 2005 | |  |
Lord of Light | Roger Zelazny | 1967 | |  |
Tough Guys Don`t Dance | Norman Mailer | 1984 | |  |
Duhless | Sergei Minayev | 2007 | |  |
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur`s Court | Mark Twain | 1889 | |  |
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | James Joyce | 1916 | |  |
The Adventures of Jimmie Dale | Frank Lucius Packard | 1917 | |  |
Ulysses | James Joyce | 1922 | |  |
El filibusterismo | Jose Rizal | 1891 | |  |
Memoirs of a Geisha | Arthur Golden | 1997 | |  |
Biografie. Ein Spiel | Max Frisch | 1968 | |  |
Love etc. | Julian Barnes | 2000 | |  |
Bruno`s Dream | Iris Murdoch | 1969 | |  |
Book of Shadows | Marc Olden | 1980 | |  |
Tortilla Flat | John Steinbeck | 1935 | |  |
Solomon vs. Lord | Paul Levine | 2005 | |  |
Identity | Milan Kundera | 1998 | |  |
Slowness | Milan Kundera | 1993 | |  |
The Bell | Iris Murdoch | 1958 | |  |
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard | Eleanor Farjeon | 1921 | |  |
An Artist of the Floating World | Kazuo Ishiguro | 1986 | |  |
Mein Name Sei Gantenbein | Max Frisch | 1964 | |  |
The Book about Blanche and Marie | Per Olov Enquist | 2004 | |  |
La Ronde et autres faits divers | JMG Le Clezio | 1982 | |  |
A Good Man in Africa | William Boyd | 1981 | |  |
Haus ohne Hüter | Heinrich Boell | 1954 | |  |
Smertj Tarelkina | Alexander Suhovo-Kobilin | 1868 | |  |
Delo | Alexander Suhovo-Kobilin | 1861 | |  |
Wilderness Tips | Margaret Atwood | 1991 | |  |
Vibor | Viktor Suvorov | 1997 | |  |
Svadjba Kretshinskogo | Alexander Suhovo-Kobilin | 1854 | |  |
Rip van Winkle | Max Frisch | 1953 | |  |
Don Juan oder Die Liebe zur Geometrie | Max Frisch | 1953 | |  |
Graf Odorland | Max Frisch | 1951 | |  |
RaumZeit | Christian Linker | 2002 | |  |
Daniel Stein. The Interpreter | Ludmila Ulitskaya | 2006 | |  |
Filiale der Hoelle auf Erde | Joseph Roth | 0 | |  |
J`adore ce qui me brûle | Max Frisch | 1943 | |  |
History of the World in 10.5 chapters | Julian Barnes | 1989 | |  |
Der Stille Ozean | Gerhard Roth | 1980 | |  |
Jürg Reinhart: Eine sommerliche Schicksalsfahrt | Max Frisch | 1934 | |  |
The Macbeth murder mystery | William Thurber | 0 | |  |
Bad to the Bone | James Waddington | 1998 | |  |
A Case of Need | Michael Crichton | 1968 | |  |
Das Spinnennetz | Joseph Roth | 1923 | |  |
Skimmer | Göran Tunström | 1996 | |  |
Esteres mantojums | Šāndors Mārai | 1939 | |  |
Humboldt`s Gift | Saul Bellow | 1975 | |  |
Als der Krieg zu Ende war | Max Frisch | 1949 | |  |
Preußens Luise. Vom Entstehen und Vergehen einer Legende | Guenter de Bruyn | 2001 | |  |
Pokorny lacht | Frank Goosen | 2003 | |  |
Galapagos | Kurt Vonnegut | 1985 | |  |
Nun singen sie wieder | Max Frisch | 1945 | |  |
Moskva 2042 | Vladimir Voinovich | 1986 | |  |
Santa Cruz | Max Frisch | 1944 | |  |
Max Frisch, Friedich Duerrenmatt: Briefwechsel | Peter Ruedi | 1998 | |  |
Abschied von Sidonie | Erich Hackl | 1989 | |  |
Vielleicht ist es sogar schoen | Jakob Hein | 2004 | |  |
Ceplis | Pāvils Rozītis | 1928 | |  |
The Cement Garden | Ian McEwan | 1978 | |  |
New Finnish Grammar | Diego Marani | 2000 | |  |
Tout le Monde est Occupe | Christian Bobin | 1999 | |  |
Blankenburg | Hermann Burger | 1986 | |  |
Theophilus North | Thornton Wilder | 1973 | |  |
The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana | Umberto Eco | 2004 | |  |
Ides of March | Thornton Wilder | 1948 | |  |
Oryx and Crake | Margaret Atwood | 2003 | |  |
Hoffmann oder Die vielfältige Liebe | Peter Haertling | 2001 | |  |
Doktor Murkes gesammeltes Schweigen | Heinrich Boell | 1958 | |  |
Wer einmal aus dem Blechnapf frißt | Hans Fallada | 1932 | |  |
Die Wiedertauefer | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1969 | |  |
Die Kassiererinnen | Wilhelm Genazino | 1998 | |  |
Adieu Gary Cooper | Romain Gary | 1969 | |  |
Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood | 1976 | |  |
The Handmaid`s Tale | Margaret Atwood | 1985 | |  |
Of Love and Other Demons | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 1994 | |  |
Chichinskas | Vytautas Misevičius | 1968 | |  |
The Innocents Abroad | Mark Twain | 1869 | |  |
The Red Lily | Anatole France | 1894 | |  |
Empire of the Angels | Bernard Werber | 2000 | |  |
When time was dying | Robert Clausen | 2004 | |  |
The Thanatonauts | Bernard Werber | 1994 | |  |
Verstoerung | Thomas Bernhard | 1967 | |  |
La luna de Fausto | Francisco Herrera Luque | 1983 | |  |
Geisha in Rivalry | Nagai Kafu | 1916 | |  |
Walking on Glass | Iain Banks | 1985 | |  |
The Ultimate Secret | Bernard Werber | 2001 | |  |
Putras Daukis | Karlis Ievins | 1929 | |  |
A for Andromeda | Fred Hoyle, John Elliot | 1962 | |  |
The Andromeda Strain | Michael Crichton | 1969 | |  |
Das Treffen in Telgte | Günter Grass | 1979 | |  |
Schatten Im Paradies | Erich Maria Remarque | 1971 | |  |
Lord of the Flies | William Golding | 1954 | |  |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Edward Morgan Forster | 1905 | |  |
Heaven Has No Favorites | Erich Maria Remarque | 1961 | |  |
Lunkebergs Fest | Alexander Osang | 2003 | |  |
In Fremden Gaerten | Peter Stamm | 2003 | |  |
Raabe Baikal | Thomas Strittmatter | 2002 | |  |
Versuche, den Morgen zu beschreiben | Christine Pitzke | 2004 | |  |
The Foundation Pit | Andrey Platonov | 1930 | |  |
Shura i Prosvirnyak | Mikhail Roshchin | 1982 | |  |
Sotnikov | Vasilj Bykov | 1972 | |  |
Viltotais Fausts | Margers Zarinsh | 1973 | |  |
A fairly honorable defeat | Iris Murdoch | 1970 | |  |
A widows` steam boat | I.Grekova | 1981 | |  |
My First T-Shirt | Jakob Hein | 2001 | |  |
The Golden Fruit | Nathalie Sarraute | 1963 | |  |
Hubert or the return to Casablanca | Peter Haertling | 1978 | |  |
Stellenweise Glatteis | Max von der Gruen | 1973 | |  |
The Death of a Salesman | Arthur Miller | 1949 | |  |
Frankenstein | Mary Shelley | 1831 | |  |
Before the Mirror | Veniamin Kaverin | 1971 | |  |
Selected plays | Juliu Edlis | 0 | |  |
The Magnetist`s Fifth Winter | Per Olov Enquist | 1964 | |  |
The New Confessions | William Boyd | 1988 | |  |
Daniel Martin | John Fowles | 1977 | |  |
Brazzaville Beach | William Boyd | 1990 | |  |
Stiller | Max Frisch | 1954 | |  |
Der Kleine Brixius | Ludwig Harig | 1980 | |  |
Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied | Peter Handke | 1972 | |  |
Der Grossvater | Dante Andrea Franzetti | 1985 | |  |
Amerikahaus und der Tanz um die Frauen | Friedrich Christian Delius | 1997 | |  |
Wie Karl May Adolf Hitler Traf and other stories | Hans Christoph Buch | 2003 | |  |
An Ordinary Life | Karel Chapek | 1934 | |  |
The Meteor | Karel Chapek | 1934 | |  |
Raender | Juergen Becker | 1968 | |  |
Hürriyet Love Express Storys | Imran Ayata | 2005 | |  |
Velo | Joerg-Uwe Albig | 1999 | |  |
Hordubal | Karel Chapek | 1933 | |  |
The Life and Work of Composer Foltaine | Karel Chapek | 1939 | |  |
Babylon | Guenther de Bruyn | 1992 | |  |
Die Rote | Alfred Andersch | 1960 | |  |
Hausaufgaben | Jakob Arjouni | 2004 | |  |
Mephisto | Klaus Mann | 1936 | |  |
The Vicar of Wakefield | Oliver Goldsmith | 1766 | |  |
The Remains of the Day | Kazuo Ishiguro | 1989 | |  |
The Helm of Horror | Viktor Pelevin | 2005 | |  |
The Island of the Day Before | Umberto Eco | 1995 | |  |
Jenseits von Schuld und Sühne | Jean Amery | 1966 | |  |
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | C.S.Lewis | 1950 | |  |
Der Boxer | Jurek Becker | 1976 | |  |
Le sagouin | Francois Mauriac | 1951 | |  |
A Teenager of the old days | Francois Mauriac | 1969 | |  |
The Desert of Love | Francois Mauriac | 1925 | |  |
The Door into Summer | Robert Anson Heinlein | 1957 | |  |
The Real Thing | Tom Stoppard | 1982 | |  |
Sputnik Sweetheart | Haruki Murakami | 1999 | |  |
The Longest Memory | Fred A`Guir | 1994 | |  |
A Wild Sheep Chase | Haruki Murakami | 1982 | |  |
Adelbert von Chamisso - der Preusse aus Frankreich | Peter Lahnstein | 1984 | |  |
Crazy | Benjamin Lebert | 1999 | |  |
Geschichten vom lieben Gott | Rainer Maria Rilke | 1900 | |  |
Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter | Peter Handke | 1970 | |  |
Traumnovelle | Arthur Schnitzler | 1926 | |  |
Tales from a pocket | Karel Chapek | 1929 | |  |
Eden Plaza | Dagmar Leupold | 2002 | |  |
Die Unbekannte Groesse | Hermann Broch | 1933 | |  |
Wegen Reichtum geschlossen | Tankred Dorst | 1998 | |  |
The Unvanquished | William Faulkner | 1938 | |  |
The Price | Arthur Miller | 1968 | |  |
Ich lebe noch, es geht mir gut | Gunter Gerlach | 2001 | |  |
Unguarded Hours | Andrew Norman Wilson | 1978 | |  |
Before and After | Rosellen Brown | 1992 | |  |
Five Facecies a`la Rousse | Jiri Grosek | 2005 | |  |
A light breakfast in the shade of Acropolis | Jiri Grosek | 2001 | |  |
Dramas | Hermann Broch | 0 | |  |
Cardboard Soldiers | Jochan Korin | 2005 | |  |
Young Talents | Andre Kubiczek | 2002 | |  |
The Red Room | August Strindberg | 1879 | |  |
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | Roald Dahl | 1964 | |  |
Airport | Arthur Hailey | 1968 | |  |
Sartoris | William Faulkner | 1929 | |  |
The Milkman | Rafael Seligmann | 2002 | |  |
Intruder in the Dust | William Faulkner | 1948 | |  |
The Visit of the old Lady | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1956 | |  |
The Razor`s Edge | William Somerset Maugham | 1944 | |  |
Comedy of the Book | Istvan RathVegh | 1937 | |  |
Skipping Christmas | John Grisham | 2001 | |  |
The Young Joseph | Thomas Mann | 1934 | |  |
Mouth of a Prophet | Franz Fuehmann | 1991 | |  |
I take my words back | Viktor Suvorov | 2005 | |  |
Play Strindberg; End of a planet | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1969 | |  |
The Mansion | William Faulkner | 1959 | |  |
Death of a Hero | Richard Aldington | 1929 | |  |
Vipers` Tangle | Francois Mauriac | 1932 | |  |
Therese Desqeuyroux | Francois Mauriac | 1927 | |  |
Die Frist | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1975 | |  |
The Wedding in Konstantinopel | Irmtraud Morgner | 1968 | |  |
Warum ich schon immer Recht Hatte und andere Irrtuemer | Friedrich Christian Delius | 2003 | |  |
The Colossus of Maroussi | Henry Miller | 1941 | |  |
Under the Net | Iris Murdoch | 1954 | |  |
Letters; Diaries | Byron | 0 | |  |
The Bookseller of Kabul | Asne Seierstad | 2003 | |  |
Diary of a Genius | Salvador Dali | 1965 | |  |
Filth | Irvine Welsh | 1998 | |  |
Scaffold | Chingiz Aitmatov | 1988 | |  |
Baltasar and Blimunda | Jose Saramago | 1982 | |  |
Fury | Salman Rushdie | 2001 | |  |
The Child of Noah | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2004 | |  |
Lust | Elfriede Jelinek | 1989 | |  |
Baikonur | Holger Geyer | 2000 | |  |
Les tablettes de buis d`Apronenia Avitia | Pascal Quignard | 1984 | |  |
The Book of Illusions | Paul Auster | 2002 | |  |
Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2001 | |  |
Oscar and the Lady in Pink | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2002 | |  |
Der Meteor, Dichterdammerung | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 0 | |  |
Von Riga nach Anderswo | Werner Bergengruen | 1992 | |  |
The Sun Shines for Us | Georg Klein | 2004 | |  |
Football in the First Year of Mannen | Kenzaburo Oe | 1967 | |  |
The Gospel according to Pilate | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 2000 | |  |
Grieche sucht Griechin | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1955 | |  |
The Minotaur takes a cigarette break | Steven Sherill | 2002 | |  |
Lieblose Legenden | Wolfgang Hildesheimer | 1952 | |  |
Der Vorleser | Bernard Schlink | 1995 | |  |
Geschichte vom alten Kind | Jenny Erpenbeck | 1999 | |  |
Achtung Baustelle | Wilhelm Genazino | 1998 | |  |
The Cell | Horst Bienek | 1968 | |  |
The blue dress | Doris Doerrie | 2002 | |  |
If you had talked, Desdemona | Christine Brueckner | 1990 | |  |
Lob der Provinz | Erwin Grosche | 2001 | |  |
Notes from the snow time | Inga Abele | 2005 | |  |
Zamysel | Vladimir Voinovich | 1994 | |  |
Monumental Propaganda | Vladimir Voinovich | 2000 | |  |
Frank the Fifth | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1959 | |  |
The Story of Nothing | Peter Glaser | 2002 | |  |
A Clockwork Orange | Anthony Burgess | 1962 | |  |
At Latest in November | Hans Erich Nossack | 1955 | |  |
Restauration of a Dinner | Jiri Grosek | 2003 | |  |
Kiss Kiss | Roald Dahl | 1960 | |  |
The Short Reign of Pippin IV | John Steinbeck | 1957 | |  |
The Werewolf`s Sacred Book | Viktor Pelevin | 2004 | |  |
Urfaust, Wojcziek | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 0 | |  |
Someone Like You | Roald Dahl | 1953 | |  |
The Satanic Verses | Salman Rushdie | 1989 | |  |
The Sect of Egoists | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 1994 | |  |
Le Libertin | Eric Emmanuel Schmitt | 1997 | |  |
Ignorance | Milan Kundera | 2000 | |  |
The Luxury of Exile | Louis Buss | 1997 | |  |
Big Fish | Daniel Wallace | 1998 | |  |
Hercules and Augias` Stable | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1954 | |  |
The Process of the Donkeys Shadow | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1954 | |  |
Drei Erzaehlungen und eine Beobachtung | Patrick Sueskind | 1995 | |  |
Norwegian Wood | Haruki Murakami | 1987 | |  |
Aussichten auf den Buergerkrieg | Hans Enzensberger | 1994 | |  |
Baudolino | Umberto Eco | 2000 | |  |
The Real Frank Zappa Book | Frank Zappa, Peter Occhiogrosso | 1989 | |  |
La Jacquerie | Prosper Merimee | 1828 | |  |
The Fall | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1971 | |  |
Hamlet or the long night comes to an end | Alfred Doeblin | 1966 | |  |
Actually Mrs. Blum Wants to Meet the Milkman | Peter Bichsel | 1964 | |  |
Billiard at Half Past Nine | Heinrich Boell | 1959 | |  |
The Da Vinci Code | Dan Brown | 2003 | |  |
Gesammelte Maulwuerfe | Guenter Eich | 1993 | |  |
Die Hochzeit von Auschwitz | Erich Hackl | 2002 | |  |
Peles Knie | Ludwig Harig | 1999 | |  |
An Angel Comes to Babylon | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1953 | |  |
My Language and I | Ilse Aichinger | 1978 | |  |
Werke | Else Lasker-Schueler | 1991 | |  |
Die groessere Hoffnung | Ilse Aichinger | 1948 | |  |
Stille Zeile Sechs | Monika Maron | 1991 | |  |
5 Days in June | Stefan Heym | 1974 | |  |
Gesammelte Werke 1931 | Kurt Tucholsky | 1993 | |  |
The Confusions of Young Toerless | Robert Musil | 1906 | |  |
Ehen in Philippsburg | Martin Walser | 1957 | |  |
When Fathers Beard Was Still Red | Wolfdietrich Schnurre | 1958 | |  |
Description of a Village | Marie Luise Kaschnitz | 1966 | |  |
Plays 1 | Thomas Bernhard | 1988 | |  |
Zanzibar or the Last Reason | Alfred Andersch | 1957 | |  |
Anniversary Poster | Vladimir Kamenev, Viktor Levashov | 2004 | |  |
Jakob der Luegner | Jurek Becker | 1969 | |  |
Sleepless Days | Jurek Becker | 1978 | |  |
Cholonek oder Der liebe Gott aus Lehm | Janosch | 1970 | |  |
A Friend | Jakob Arjouni | 1998 | |  |
Pigeons on the Grass | Wolfgang Koeppen | 1951 | |  |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | J.K.Rowling | 1998 | |  |
A Very Modern Love Story | Nan McCarthy | 1998 | |  |
A Severed Head | Iris Murdoch | 1961 | |  |
Kniga stranstvij | Igor Guberman | 2003 | |  |
Vanity Fair | William Makepeace Thackeray | 1847 | |  |
Ring for Jeeves | P.G. Wodehouse | 1953 | |  |
Testaments Betrayed | Milan Kundera | 1992 | |  |
Up the Down Staircase | Bel Kaufman | 1965 | |  |
Plasticine | Vassily Sigarev | 2003 | |  |
Short Stories | Franz Kafka | 0 | |  |
The Castle | Franz Kafka | 1926 | |  |
America | Franz Kafka | 1927 | |  |
Der Geteilte Himmel | Christa Wolf | 1963 | |  |
Gaspard, Melchior et Balthazar | Michel Tournier | 1980 | |  |
Steppenwolf | Herman Hesse | 1927 | |  |
Arnes Nachlass | Siegfried Lenz | 1999 | |  |
David Copperfield | Charles Dickens | 1849 | |  |
Oh, oh, Julia | Ephraim Kishon | 1972 | |  |
Shamrock Tea | Cirian Carson | 2002 | |  |
Foucault`s Pendulum | Umberto Eco | 1988 | |  |
Silmarillion | J.R.R.Tolkien | 1977 | |  |
Short stories | Jean-Paul Sartre | 0 | |  |
Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka | Nikolai Gogol | 1832 | |  |
L`Homme revolte | Albert Camus | 1951 | |  |
Words | Jean-Paul Sartre | 1964 | |  |
Mirgorod | Nikolai Gogol | 1835 | |  |
Dialectics of the Transitional Period from nowhere to nowhere | Viktor Pelevin | 2003 | |  |
The Destructors | Graham Greene | 1954 | |  |
The Heart of the Matter | Graham Greene | 1948 | |  |
Selected dramatic works | Nikolai Gogol | 0 | |  |
Solo for a Piano | Andre Maurois | 0 | |  |
The Collector | John Fowles | 1963 | |  |
Sir Nigel | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | 1906 | |  |
Sherlock Holmes: Four great novels | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | 0 | |  |
Perfume | Patrick Sueskind | 1985 | |  |
The Tin Drum | Günter Grass | 1959 | |  |
The Ebony Tower | John Fowles | 1974 | |  |
The Man Who Was Thursday | G.K. Chesterton | 1907 | |  |
Gesammelte Werke in 7 Baenden: Band 7 | Max Frisch | 1986 | |  |
Von der Schwierigkeit Westler zu werden | Klaus Schlesinger | 1998 | |  |
Homo Faber | Max Frisch | 1957 | |  |
Pigeon | Patrick Sueskind | 1987 | |  |
I, Robot | Isaac Asimov | 1950 | |  |
Ein Hungerkuenstler | Franz Kafka | 1922 | |  |
Mantissa | John Fowles | 1982 | |  |
Alice`s Adventures in Wonderland | Lewis Carroll | 1865 | |  |
Gesammelte Werke | Heinrich Spoerl | 1990 | |  |
Hard-boiled Wonderland/End of the World | Haruki Murakami | 1985 | |  |
Polski Blues | Janosch | 2002 | |  |
Warhol: Commerce into Art | Klaus Honnef | 2000 | |  |
Jirschi oder Die Flucht ins Pianino | Gertrud Fussenegger | 1997 | |  |