Comedy of the Book
book — Hungary — 1937

It started off quite nicely but proved to be overlong. This book is a comic book about comic things about books. First thought this was something similar to the "scientific essays" in S.Dali`s diary but it proved to be real literature science and not just a hoax. Basically Mr. Rath-Vegh has collected different funny and not so funny stories from the history of bookwriting and book buying and selling. Some of the elements in this book seem to be pretty unrealistic - for example, Rath-Vegh mentions scientific works about Adam being the first writer and the first scientist, etc, etc. But the problem with this book is that it`s too complicated to write a book on such a subject. But it was a bit too boring for me, so I stopped reading everything from the beginning to the end, but just read a few passages that seemed to be more interesting than the others. Yet in its own category the book ain`t a bad one, it`s just not that kind of stuff I`d normally read in big amounts. It`s more like a good vinegar - you need it but you can`t drink a lot of it (unless you want to die).