Noskatiijies atlikushaas pirmas sezonas epizodes, gribu mazliet padaliities ar iespaidiem aarpus faktoida normaam.
Iesaakumam neliela variaacija par Luu un invaliida Endija teemu:
Lou has taken his friend Andy to a brothel for his birthday. Several `proffesionals` are standing in a row so Andy can choose the perfect one for his fun.
- "I want that one!" (he says pointing his hand to the left without looking)
- "That is a black man, a so-called pimp. You wouldn`t like to have sex with that kind of thing."
- "I know."
- "So you`ll probably choose a witch-like woman with gigantic breasts instead?"
- "I want that one!"
- "But that one isn`t for sale. I`ll have to spend my monthly pay just to convince that man to go with you."
- "I know. I want that one."
- "But you never liked sex with men. You said it lacked the emotional overwhelming you`d get from a woman."
- "That one!"
- "Are you sure?"
- "Yeah"
- "Well, all right, but you won`t be able to change it afterwards."
- "I know."
Next shot: Andy in a room with a pink bed and a naked black guy.
Andy: "I want a bitch, not a pimp!"
Pieveershoties atpakalj teemai, jaatziist, ka nesaskatu nekaadu merkji tam, ka shim veidojumam tiek taisiitas jaunas seerijas - paarspeeleejot vienu un to pashu joku padsmit reizes tas nekljuust smiekliigaaks. Taa pati stulbaa resnaa Vicky Paterson ar "no-but-yeah-but-no-butt" pirmajaa reizee ir smiekliiga, otrajaa ok, bet kaadaa ceturtajaa gribas jau vinjai izshkjaidiit galvu. Un vispaar abiem shova veidotaajiem paarmeeriigu speeju labi iejusties dazhaados personaazhos nevaru saskatiit.