

I wanted to find some photos of "classic" dachshunds - that is, photos of dogs of this breed taken at least before WW2. And then I stumbled upon a website listing famous dachshund owners through history. And to my great surprise on this site, I found that Napoleon Bonaparte of France was an avid dachshund lover. Considering that dachsunds in their modern form did not exist in Napoleon`s days, it did surprise me. So I searched a little bit more, and the only info about Napeoleon`s dachshunds that I could find, was the same description as here, but on lots of other dachshunds fans sites. So it seemed kinda fishy.
Take a look at the picture of Napoleon and "his dachshund":

The dogs seems to be "photoshopped in", doesn`t it?
And here`s the same portrait in colour, from Wiki Commons:

Nice one, eh?
So I did my own contribution to fake dachshund pictures. I could write a story about how some scientists discover a dachshund painted in a hidden layer of Mona Lisa, but - I don`t need to. Somebody else will probably find this picture in a couple of years time on the web and add the story himself/herself, and another myth will be born.