Citizen Kane
film — USA — 1941

This is the best american film of all times. I should immediately add it to my A list. But I won`t. What is really all the fuss about? I seriously don`t know. The film is all right, I must admit to that but certainly not more than that. Ok, the ending was good, but let`s face it - every good film has a strong ending because otherwise it wouldn`t be that good. No, I don`t say that it is worthless or something of that kind but I`m not really interested in the meaning of `Rosebud` THAT much.
Domāju, ka man vajadzētu šo filmu noskatīties vēlreiz. Tomēr šķiet dīvaini, ka tā skaitās visu laiku labākā amerikāņu filma, bet mani tā atstāja gluži vēsu. Iespējams gan, ka vispār visas šīs ēras filmas ir šobrīd ievērojami zaudējušas savu skatāmību un to augsto reputāciju nodrošina tikai to autoritāte un nevis tas, ka tās patiešām ir baudāmas.