Homo Faber
book — Switzerland — 1957

Ar šo Maksa Friša romānu pēc idejas man vajadzēja iepazīties skolas laikā, kur tas bija ieteicamajā ārzemju literatūrā. Neiepazinos un tikai vēlāk uzzināju, ka Frišs patiesībā bija patiešām izcils rakstnieks.
The technical man that doesn`t care much for feelings and has problems understanding the world surrounding him. It makes a person think if it has something in common with Homo Faber - as mad and as unhuman as this being is. And the answer "no!" is not a very certain one. A bit of inverted Eudipus complex - a man sleeps with his own daughter without knowing that. Scary? You bet. The book probably doesn`t belong on my golden shelf (!) of favourite books but it stills is quite impressive.