Velvet Goldmine
film — UK — 1998

The beginning was pretty impressive - as Oscar Wilde says "I want to a pop idol". Cool, I say. So was the first scene from the seventies - all the running hipsters and the completely out of place looking Jack Ferry who`s on his way to participate in a silly hoax. Brian Slade (David Bowie lookalike) being shot also was a part of the good things to come out of the movie. Sadly that`s it. In the duration the film has very little to offer - there`s the bisexual Slade who becomes a glam star, Jack Wilde - a mixture of Iggy Pop and Lou Reed who looks like Curt Cobain and is also bisexual. What else? There`s a journalist in the 80s who wants to find out what really happened to Brian Slade after his false death. It may look good on paper but even for a huge fan of rock music it is not a very good movie. First, the image sucks, `cause who can really stand that ugly glam style? Bisexual shit doesn`t really confront me, for I don`t find it that special. The music could be better and so could be the plot. Probably the worst take on rock music in my experience. I haven`t seen `Sid and Nancy` though.
Correction: Music is good enough but it still doesn`t save the film.
Update: bez filmas atkārtotas skatīšanās, bet pārdomājot to, esmu nācis pie secinājuma, ka šī filma ir daudz labāka, nekā iepriekš par to biju izteicies. Ja neskaita manus konservatīvos uzskatus attiecībā pret filmas saturu, neko tai īpaši pārmest nevaru. Vizuāli tā bija visnotaļ glīta un tas, ka tajā nebija ne vella no morāles - vai tad tādēļ man vajadzētu iebilst pret šo filmu?
(reitings paaugstināts no 4.0 uz 7.0)