Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
film — USA — 2004

For the third part of the Harry Potter series they changed the director. The first two parts were directed by the genius mastermind that was behind such a classic as "Home Alone" while for the Azkaban part Alfonso Cuaron (the latino who made "Y tu mama tambien"). Can you feel the difference? Mr. Cuaron knows how to create a really good movie, and he uses his powers to make something more serious than Harry Potter was before. The film changes into brownish colours, it features close to no cheeky stuff for your little baby brother, and the characters don`t look like they have jumped out of middle ages anymore. Harry Potter even wears a sweater with stripes on the side just like I do! And there`s a jah ghost in the bus! Certainly this still is a film targeted to a very young audience, but at least it can stand up to the opposing Hobbit saga. Although I must say that the werewolf looked like a rubber doll to me, but you can`t expect that a film whos previous part made me laugh could make me cringe from horror. I guess, something like the sixth part of the film will be a total masterpiece.