A Severed Head
book — UK — 1961

Do you know why I like modern literature? Because starting to read a book you can never know what to expect. This book, for example. It`s written by Iris Murdoch - the same Iris Murdoch that wrote "The Black prince" - a truly outstanding novel about a mentally sick guy. And what is this novel? It`s the story of love polygons. The main hero is happy with his wife and his lover Georgie until his wife Antonia informs that she`s gonna leave him because of his shrink Palmer. But it`s only the beginning of the love problems. There`s also the heroes` brother Alexander who takes every woman away from him, including his wife. But Palmer has incest with his own sister Gonoria. And the hero also has lust for that sister. Not to use too many words - everybody screws everybody else (except that there are no homosexuals, if we count out the heroes two secretaries). In the form the novel is interesting, it`s easy to read, but talking about the essence - there hardly is any.