Kill Bill 2
film — USA — 2004

Since I didn`t like the first part of the film there was no real reason for me to watch the second one. But since I did watch, why can`t I write about it? First thing that strikes you in this film by Quentin Tarantino is how little it has to do with the first part in terms of style. While the first one was ultra-bloody this one is ultra-nothing-happening. To be frank, it`s a bit boring. Beatrice continues her mission of killing Bill, encountering his brother Budd and a one-eyed chick who`s name I have already forgotten. And in the end she also finds her daughter. Some of the stuff is, of course, unimaginable to happen, but I don`t really care about that. As much as I can tell this film reminds of Japanese movies which I have never seen and am not sure whether I want to see. What was bad, was the music. Tarantino was once famous for having a perfect soundtrack to his films, but in this one except for a cover version of "She`s not there" from the Zombies catalogue, there`s nothing to offer.