Day of the Fight
film — USA — 1951

This is the first film to come out of the great Stanley Kubrick more than 50 years ago. It`s not a real big screen motion picture though - just a 15 minutes long documentary. It shows us one day in the life of a professional boxer Walter Cartier and one of his fights. Not that the boxer was any popular even back then. It was just supposed to show what it was like to fight for a living. As much as I understood about this film it was probably a unique thing but that`s not too important to me. Specialists tell that by the movement of camera you can recognise Kubrick right away. Well, I couldn`t. I gotta admit that it was probably an insightful look at what boxing is all about, having some pretty neat sentences in the commentary, but if a film that goes on for only 15 minutes can bore me, it`s not a good sign. That doesn`t mean that I`m going to rate this thing low, for it`s a documentary and documentaries are rarely great peaces of fiction (cause they aren`t even fiction) and for 1951 it`s pretty solid. But not great by any standards.