A Clockwork Orange
book — UK — 1962

Last year I watched a film that was done after this book (and done brilliantly by Stanley Kubrick). And now when I had a chance to buy the novel, I didn`t really hesitate. Reading it in Russian was a bit weird though, for the storyteller has a wicked language that has borrowed quite a lot of words from the Russian language which would certainly look more like it if the rest of the text was plain English. Still the story is quite simple - Alex at the age of 15 is one spoiled brat who gets his kicks for living by attacking people in the streets and in their houses together with his gang. But suddenly his comrades turn the back on him and he`s left to the police and charged for murder (which he has commited). Alex goes to prison but after two years he joins a program for "curing" criminals which means that he gets pain every time he sees something bad happening or when he does something wicked himself. In the end he returns back to his old style of being a spoiled brat. Still in the book he grows out of it as well and becomes a normal member of the society. What I like about Alex is that he despite being a violent asshole loves classical music, is pretty intelligent - thus shitting on the whole concept of blaming the modern subculture for youth being out of control.