Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
film — USA — 2004

Whoopie! We`we entered the marvelous world of comic books! Ok, this film isn`t really based on a "Batman" or something like that but it does show what the comics world looks like. The actors department is more impressive than you can probably imagine - Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Giovanni Ribisi, Michael Gambon, Lawrence Olivier (that`s a totally cool thing to use a dead man to play a dead man), Angelina Jolie - that is certainly more than enough for a really good film. Visually it`s also stunning - clearly imitating what future was projected to be in the first part of the 20th century - but with the advantage of technologies year 2004 provided. The film has very little colour and most of everything is done with the CGI - although at some stages this CGI looks a bit flat (especially with Paltrow in NYC). What`s the story about? A mad scientist has some weird plan of destroying the earth and starting a new civilization. In the process of bringing his plan to life he himself has died. But Sky Captain who`s happened to be called Joe thinks that the world can not end this way, and Polly - his former girlfriend - comes along. By the way, it somehow resembles to me "Broken Sword 2" - the computer game, there was also flying and there was a former girlfriend of the hero, whom he at least partly got back. Anyhow, this film is fun to watch but not particulary memorable.