Lemony Snicket`s A Series of Unfortunate Events
film — USA — 2004

Harry Potter, beat it! You are nothing but a useless second hand magician living in a world of fairies and bullcrap! Now Lemony Snicket`s creation is a really good flick for children. First, it`s the choice of the actors - Jim Carrey as the main villain is superb, and his villainy character is much stronger than that Voldemort loser Rowling gave her hero. He is funny, and that`s the most important thing. Then there`s Jude Law as the narrator, who repeatedly offers the audience to leave in order to see a cartoon about the smallest of elves. There`s also Meryl Streep who plays the good aunt, and Billy Conolly (man who sued god) as the snake scientist. The plot is not particulary smart, of course, but it`s fun to watch at, and it`s more inventive that Harry Potter for sure. The Baudelaire children - the main heroes - can`t escape from their unfortunes by waving a stupid magic wand, `cos they don`t have one. Of course, this ain`t no Shakespeare, this even ain`t no "Lord of the Rings" but as a film for children this certainly is a very solid example of the genre.