The Princess Bride
film — USA — 1987

Buttercup is a simple young girl, and her Westley is a simple young man. When he goes on a trip to gain some easy money and never comes back Buttercup agrees to marry the evil prince Humperdink. But Westley isn`t dead and he`s ready to fight the seven nations army with his bare hands in order to regain the Buttercup of his heart. This is a fairy-tale, you can be sure about that. And this is supposed to be a superb fairy-tale - it`s in the IMDB top 250 greatest films of all time and has a perfect 100% freshness in the Rottentomatoes. But somehow I don`t find this film to be that good. Ok, it has some funny moments, but they seem to be known to me. Most likely because I could have already seen this film before, I`m almost sure that it`s true. Still, it`s not more than a family movie, despite the fact that the dialogues are perfectly designed. The special effects are about as cool as they could be in a film that came out in 1987. That`s not too much of a complaint, of course, but I can`t call this film a great masterpiece of any sort. The characters are developed about as good as they can be in a fairy tale. Oh, there`s one more disturbing film - the main story happens actually in a book an old man reads to his grandson who`s sick and has to remain in bed (by the way, the grandson is played by the fellow who later became the leading star in the marvelous TV series "The wonder years"). I don`t mean to say that this film is no good, but I don`t get why it should be as good as some people tend to think. Oh, come to think of it - there`s one really weird thing - Westley turned to be Edgar in "Ella Enchanted" - you see, in just 17 years a perfectly nice young man turns into an evil uncle. God works in mysterious ways, doesn`t he?