The Child of Noah
book — France — 2004

The third part of the religion cycle. This one goes about judaism. You know I`m not particular interested in stuff that goes around the subject of Holocaust, especially since it`s been ridiculised by the money-grabbing morons of the world. It luckily ain`t the case for Mr. Schmitt who knows perfectly well how to separate what`s good from what`s bad. A boy at the age of circa ten has to leave his family in order to become a christian boy. He lives in a catholic school and becomes almost a christian child. Not really though, for he`s guided by a catcholic priest who thinks that it`s his mission to save things that are in danger of being no more. And jews are a collection of his, for which he`s ready to do almost everything. It`s probably senseless to say that once again humanity is the main thing that Schmitt gives us. It`s not really about the jews, as it isn`t about christians or muslims for him. It`s about the humans, and what`s human in them. Schmitt rarely writes about really evil people, and that`s good, for I don`t need more evil in this world than there already is. A touching book. Is the day coming when I`ll write something negative about one of his books? I doubt that.