Welcome Interstate Managers
music — USA — 2003

I don`t pretend to know much about this band, `cos I don`t. I`m only pretty aware of the fact that it`s quite a new one for sure (at least it wasn`t formed in 1964 by a younger brother Paul McCartney never knew he had). What FoW do is basically playing unoffensive college rock for teenies of 1990`s/2000`s. They don`t pretend to make any significant artistic statements, they don`t pretend to be the next Captain Beefhearts or whatever. They are capable of `Mexican Wine`, a poppy song that somehow reminds me of Weird Al Yankovic. They are cepable of writing memorable melodies and quite decent lyrics. But they aren`t really capable of rocking hard, and they certainly aren`t capable of breaking the formula of college rock. And at that they aren`t particulary different from your average "Busted", with the exception that they are much more talented and aren`t just dummies used by some corporate assholes. Yet apart from that teeny-weeny thing they are just like those silly "Busted" punk-wannabees.