Sin City
film — USA — 2005

This film is based on series of comics by Frank Miller. They say it`s a significant fact. For a humble person like myself it doesn`t mean as much as a scratch. Who am I to know anything about every guy in the comic making business? I know this fellow from that film with that actor that was nominated for an Oscar this year. No, he wasn`t nominated for that film, but for another one. What was his name? Paul Giamatti (so tells the IMDB), and the film in question was "American Splendor", by the title of which the name of Harvey Pekar comes to my mind. Anyhow, this film isn`t about Harvey Pekar, oh no, "Sin City" isn`t a comic book about some loser with an average job and about as much personal problems as only Woody Allen could imagine to have. "Sin City" is a film about a New York where mobsters, corrupted politicians and prostitutes rule the day. There are several main plots in this film. One is about Bruce Willis who`s a cop and who tries to save a little girl from the hands (and not only hands) of a perverted senators son. Then there`s a story about an evil looking criminal who wants to solve the murder of a hooker he had spend a night with, which involves a flesh eating Frodo the hobbit. An then there`s the third story about Clive Owen who wants to save hookers from the police and the pimps. That`s basically it. The film is interesting in the way it`s done - like a comic book (with the exception of "Thrakk!" and "Splash!" callouts which aren`t present) mostly in black and white with very little colours appearing. In terms of plot it is quite interesting to watch, and it is daring, of course. It`s surely a film to see, but I think it a very stupid idea that a sequel is coming up shortly. Things like that don`t need sequels - what`s fresh for the first time will be rotten in the next series.