Warum ich schon immer Recht Hatte und andere Irrtuemer
book — Germany — 2003

I could kill a person for writing a title this long. So the review will be particulary short because after finishing I`ll probably start a life long mission of finding and executing Mr. Delius. This book is a collection of essays about everything Mr. Delius considered important enough to write about. I expected it to be funny, it wasn`t. The organisation of the book in the form of a dictionary is enough to keep the rating above the water line but not more than that.
Lai es gribētu lasīt esejas, tām ir jābūt fenomenāli uzrakstītām, vai arī man ir jāzina, kas ir to autors (proti - kāpēc man vajadzētu viņam uzticēties). Dēliuss, kas man radīja cerības uz komiķa statusu, to neattaisnoja un paveica tikai vienu uzdevumu - sagarlaikoja mani.