11 commandments
film — France — 2004

This was one perfect time for me to start reviewing films for my work. What can be better than a French version for the infamous stupidity of "Jackass" - the greatest TV show for teenage masochists MTV has ever come up with (apart from maybe a "Bon Jovi" marathon and the rise and fall of "Kiss"). A plot do you ask from me? Why of course not the case in this situation. (like my spelling and the word orded you might not but siht is the plot of the film). A porn flick would probably have more substance than this one. Naked bodys are present in this film but sexy they are not. Cameo appearances by Jibril Cisse and Amelie Mauresmo don`t really change the whole thing to be much better. It`s good that I didn`t pay for watching this film. It`s bad that the organisers didn`t pay ME for watching this film.