film — USA — 2005

Gee, it`s a romantic comedy with Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda. The former isn`t exactly an actress, more like a singer with an enormous ass and certain capabilities in acting. The latter is a famous actress that just happens to be pretty old and yet somehow hasn`t been in a single film I`ve even heard about. So together they form the rivalry of a woman that wants to marry Kevin whom she loves and Kevin`s mother who thinks that Charlotte (Lopez) is too bad for her son. As you can probably guess this film is so cliched that I`m even ashamed of using the word "cliched" describing it. Not that it really bothers me - this film may be a collage of "Legally Blonde" (which was one of the films this director without a name did before), "Bridget Jones`s Diary" (with the exception that Lopez`s character is much more generic than that of Zellweger) and "Meet the Parents/Fockers" with the exception that nobody flushes the dog in the toilet. Yet, since I hadn`t at least seen any other JLo`s film before it didn`t strike me that she`s about as diverse as Angus Young of AC/DC. I did have my laughs, I didn`t have my two hours of high art, so basically it was a good deal for a film that I could watch at cinema without having to pay. Only it occured to me that it would be very smart of the cinema establishment to provide me with free popcorn. Not that I liked popcorn that much but it would still be nice.