The Land of the Dead
film — USA — 2005

A horror movie about zombies! Why do those weirdos call films about thos flesh eating no-good slackos "horror films"? They`re about as tremendously dangerously horrific as a piece of German cake. German nazi cake as the birthday present to our beloved fuehrer Adolph Bush Junior. What was I talking about? Sex, sex, sex, it`s all they think about nowadays... a young man ain`t got nothing in the world these days. Man, am I stupid.
So, there`s this nice world where people live inside a blocked city but those creepy zombie creatures live outside it. So our nice little cuddely zombie pals break out of their reservatios and run other the city. The good guy has to stop them, with the help of a slut and a retard (almost like cutting the tallest tree with a herring). But zombies ain`t as bad as the people - that`s the main message of this film, when Dennis Hopper emerges as the Man running the rich man`s city. THat`s a thing I liked in this film. Yeah, and that chick with her teeth that can be seen through a hole in her cheek was also cool. Weird how no necrofiles were shown in this movie. Yeah, a zombie porn film that would be nice.