Herbie: Fully Loaded
film — USA — 2005

Silly, silly, silly. An old VW Beetle gets bought buy a young and good looking Lindsay Lohan with digitally reduced breasts (what morons would do that! idiots! stupid Disnay people ruin the best thing about this film). But it ain`t no simple VW Beetle that you`d find in any museum of old cars. No, this is Herbie. A car that once won quite a lot of races and that now is ready to free itself from the dust and take on "NASCAR", the races where only the best compete. Lindsay ain`t that enthusiastic but she really ain`t the leading hero in this film. If I were a ten year old girl I`d probably find the car that can smile and that can raise its eyebrows really cute. But as a matter of fact I`m not a ten year old girl. Oh, no, I`m a very dark and pessimistic fellow that listens to the Cure more than the guy next door. So I say - this film is made for little kids by people less intelligent than little kids. It`s scenario could have been found in a box of breakfast serial. Either that or this is a platiate of Speed Racer - a stupid cartoon I used to watch when I was around 10 years old.