Transporter 2
film — USA — 2005

No, I wasn`t really planning to see this film this soon. It was just that I went to a wrong press preview. Not that I wouldn`t be on the list for this one but I was planning to see "Cinderella man" - a film I have no interest in whatsoever. Anyhow, "The Transporter", the first part, doesn`t bring me any good memories at all. It was the kind of stupid action film that makes you laugh more than it keeps you intrigued. Now we discuss the sequel for that film. And you know what? I liked it more. No, it`s still pretty much the same stupid scenario, Jason Stetham (he, who once was so brilliant in "Snatch" and that "Lock Stock" flick) is a transporter - a guy with his rules which include not asking any questions. But now he works as a driver for some rich man`s kid. When the bad guys kidnap the kid and inject him with a deadly virus the Transporter can`t simply let the kid die. So he starts hurting people. Being more skilled than B in Kill Bill, he rarely needs any weapons at all - a fire hose usually is enough for him to stop something like ten villains. Yeah, technically in terms of SFX and stunts the film is brilliant. In terms of a plot it sucks. But at least it doesn`t have a sappy love story like the first part. And it has the guy who played Tom in "Lock Stock" as a Russian biologist villain. And it has a nice middle aged Frenchman who cooks for the police after he`s been taken to the office.