The Dukes of Hazzard
film — USA — 2005

This is crap! Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott are two idiots living in the South of the US of A and they know how to have a good time - selling illegal alcohol and being chased by mad fathers with guns after they`ve made out with the daughters is the perfect plan for the Duke brothers. They also have a cousine named Daisy who`s played by pop star Jessica Simpson and that should only do porn movies - big tits she has, acting talen`t she hasn`t. Man, was her acting lame! Willie Nelson and Burt Reynolds also take part in the film but they are only better than Jessica. As a matter of fact no one would be worse than her. Only Pamela Anderson probably. There`s nothing more to say than this is a bullshit film for rednecks. I am not a redneck, so I say - it`s worse than bad, it`s worse than worse than bad. Even Sean William Scott has participated in better films, and he ain`t no Johnny Depp for sure.