Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
film — USA — 2005

Hooray! I saw the new Harry Potter film even before its official world premiere! Isn`t that so cool that you can go to the screenings and see what others can`t? Not that I was that much of a Potter fan (or if you ask - not that I was a bit of a Potter fan at all), yet it is interesting to watch where the whole series are heading for. First I have to say that I missed the first few minutes of the film due to security measures of the cinema - the screening started earlier than it should - probably so potential screener makers would come too late, and apart from that I had to show the contents of my bag to a security fellow who was particulary interested in my laptop. Anyhow I didn`t miss that much so I probably don`t have to complain. In this part Harry Potter takes part in a weird competition of wizardry which leads to him resurrecting the Voldemort person. The film may really be darker than the previous parts but really dark it surely ain`t. Who would expect gothic horrors from the Rowling woman after all? CGI are quite good this time, you don`t get a lot of disastrous elements like there were in the Prisoner of Azkaban. Discussing the plotline it isn`t too advanced and too unexpected for sure yet quite solid without doubt. Ok, the whole thing with the ball is kinda sissy and only meant to show that HP is growing and that he and his pal will be needing to find some chicks in order not to become known as Harry Potter and his boyfriend. Still I think this may be the best HP film so far.