Geschichten vom lieben Gott
book — Germany — 1900

I have absolutely no idea why do Germans prefer calling God "dear". This is the second book where I see such an expression in the title. Anyhow, Mr. Rilke is considered to be one of the greatest German poets of all time. Since I don`t have any interest in poetry at all I decided just to read a collection of his stories which are supposed to be revolving around God. In fact they are but only loosely. In the form of the stories you have little doubt that Rilke is a poet in deed and not a writer of prose. His style is a bit of expressionism + E.T.A. Hofmann`s aproach towards the word. I can`t say that I enjoyed it very much for to me it all made little sense but I can`t deny that this may be an interesting aproach he had although these stories do sound quite a bit dated nowadays.