Jenseits von Schuld und Sühne
book — Austria — 1966

This book is a collection of essays by a Jew that has survived the Holocaust. I doubt that there is a necessity to explain anything in more detail. But a one-liner always looks bad so I`ll try and do my best to express my own attitude. And what is it going to be? I am not particulary interested in essays, and I have read too much on the Holocaust. It sometimes seems to me that every second book in the world revolves around this subject. Ok, I admit that people like Jean Amery probably have little else to write about, I can completely understand him etc., etc. I understand him for refusing to write in German for a long time, I support him changing his name so he wouldn`t sound German, I support even his attitude towards the responsibility for your parents sins. But I still can`t like it. And I have no idea about the purpose of this book. It`s certainly ot entertainment, which is bad for it is what I seek. It`s not saying anything new - like everyone knows enough (or too much) has been said on this subject already. It`s not even dealing with his own enemies. To put it this way: I understand why Amery wrote this book. I don`t understand why I should read it. Maybe I shouldn`t, that would be a good way out for sure. I guess it would be a good idea for the Goethe library to add some tags on the covers of the books stating "Holocaust thematics", just as they do for crime stories. It would save me from reading a lot of the same. Not that I liked other subjects of the German literature that much better anyhow.