The Berlin Zoo/Aquarium
exhibition — Germany — 0

The Berlin Zoo is one of the oldest and biggest zoo`s in the world. I had been there some ten years ago, but for my better half it was the first visit. There`s lots of animals in here and they are kept nicely, but who am I to write about animals? In comparison to the Budapest zoo this one is certainly better, so it is better than the zoo in Riga, yet a zoo is still a zoo - a place you visit once you go to a big city - but not a place you think much about afterwards.
Attiecībā uz dzīvniekiem nodrošinātajām "ekstrām" jāatzīst, ka Berlīnes zoodārzs, protams, ir super augstā līmenī. Lienei gan bija vilšanās, ka tur nebija delfīnu. Toties bija žirafes. Un vēl daži citi dzīvnieki. Dabiski, ka apmeklējot Berlīni, zoodārzā ir obligāti jāiegriežas.
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