Bring It on Again
film — USA — 2004

Sometimes it just happens that you watch a film like this one. This was a very crappy comedy about cheerleaders, boring and silly. Lots of shabby humour, useless sacharine and everything else one can expect from a comedy that went straight to video. By the way, this was a sequel to another crappy film - "Bring it On", that had at least Kirsten Dunst in it; and it also has a sequel "Bring it on: all or nothing" which seems to be even worse than the one I watched.
No visām stulbajām tīņu filmām, kuras esmu redzējis, šī varētu būt visstulbākā - tā gan, protams, nav tik pretīga kā "Not another teen movie", bet iedomāties kaut ko diži bezjēdzīgāku par šādu TV šedevru ir pagrūti. Dīvaini, ka Eiropā bieži filmas, kas paredzētas tikai TV lietošanai, izrādās ļoti pat labas (pat "The Rutles" filma nebija kino produkts), bet amerikāņiem "straight to video" ar garantiju nozīmē sūdu. Kāpēc tad šādus sūdus izgatavot?