Patiešām, es neesmu nopircis iPhone un diez vai tuvākajā laikā to pirkšu.
Taču apskatījis tā reklāmu LMT lapā, atradu tur lielisko apgalvojumu: "Tas apvieno 3 produktus vienā – revolucionāru telefonu, platekrāna iPod un reālu internetu ar 3G ātrumu. "
Par tām 3 ierīcēm vienā, manuprāt, ļoti trāpīgi izteicās interneta klasiķis Maddox (kuru, kā visiem zināms, kopē Benis no
It`s not three devices in one any more than my laptop is you morons. Using Jobs` loose definition of what constitutes a separate device, technically my laptop can be considered 8 devices in one:
# A clock
# A calculator
# An "Internet communications device"
# A phone (I can make voice calls with my modem)
# A pornographic media storage device
# A video player
# A word processor
# And an "iPod" (see below)
There`s no such thing as an iPod. The word "iPod" is a marketing tool for a hard drive with software that plays mp3s. Yeah, doesn`t sound so sexy now, does it you chimps? And an "internet communications device" is officially the douchebaggiest way of saying "it has a browser." So actually it`s just a phone that plays mp3s and has a browser. SNORE.
The Nokia E70 not only plays mp3s, video, has a full browser and Wi-Fi, IMAP and POP3 email, and Google Maps, but you can even run terminal software to telnet or SSH into remote servers. What that means in non-geek is that my phone is invincible. I can literally do anything. I can reboot my web server if I want, and sometimes I do just because I can