In my tiny little mind I can grasp such a thing as a local economic crisis. Say there is a country which for convenience I will call Latvia. This country has no working factories, it produces nothing, doesn`t gain enough foreign investments, its tourism industry isn`t able to feed the country and the dudes who are responsible for planning the financial situation in advance are not really interested in anything but their wallets (or to be precise - bank balances). So after a short period of supposed growth because of joining some international organization which I will call EU there comes a rather unpleasant decline and living in this country gets tougher, unemployment grows and other problems arise. In the worst-case scenario this country even goes bankrupt (as it happened not such a long time ago to a country which I will call here Argentine).
The scenario described in the previous paragraph makes total sense to me. If you live above your income it is quite possible that one day your creditors will come with metal rods in their hands and kick the shit out of you.
But what on earth is a global economic crisis? How can such a situation be that nearly every country in the world is in shit? Where does all the money go in that case? As far as I understand, matter doesn`t just disappear spontaneously. And there can not be a situation where everyone is in debt. There should be someone who isn`t because otherwise it doesn`t make any sense. I get a feeling that something should be fishy in peculiar situations like this. There should be people who shake the boat in order to throw others overboard.
What do I want to express with this blog entry? Mostly - that something is fundamentally wrong with the system of distribution of wealth and resources on this little planet of ours.
P.S. This morning when I cycled to work there was a very dense fog over Daugava. It was so dense that from the top of the bridge it was difficult to see the water underneath. And I got a feeling that presently nearly all the civilized world is in such a fog - with no idea when the next turn comes and where to it leads.