Tātad, apraksts: "Juju, a drunken oaf who feels the need of being important to someone---anyone---and his friend, an artist, are forced at gunpoint to care for a fugitive, Peirre Barbier, in Juju`s broken-down home. The urge for being needed is such in Juju that he gives up drinking and takes care of Pierre, even after he learns that Pierre has been making love to Maria, the girl Juju loves. Plans are made for Pierre`s escape, and Maria is to join him over her father`s protests. Marua steals money from her father and begs Juju to take it to Pierre. When Juju finds that Pierre plans to double-cross Maria, he kills him. Juju takes the money to his artist-friend, he tells him to return it to Maria, as coming from Pierre, so she won`t think she has been betrayed. Juju returns to drinking and being a drunk."
Sižetu jau principā arī es uztvert spēju - dialogu saturu visbiežāk gan nē. Bet nezinu arī, vai tik ļoti man gribētos šo filmu kādreiz noskatīties tā, lai visu tajā varētu saprast. Proti - man vispār ir bišķi problēmas ar filmām, kas tapušas pirms sešdesmitajiem gadiem, un šis ir viens tipisks šādas problēmfilmas piemērs - īsti man nepatīk nedz to laiku aktierspēles paņēmieni, nedz filmēšanas pieeja, nedz filmu uzbūve. Šai konkrētajai filmai gan ir labs message un patīkams muzikālais noformējums, bet citādi - tiešām īpaši nenožēloju, ka skatijos to man grūti uztveramā veidā.