Izmēģināju veselu kaudzi instrukciju, bet bez rezultātiem. Līdz beidzot atradu šo:
I`ll tell you my story, as I struggled with this problem.
0. install libcups2-dev: sudo aptitude install libcups2-dev
1. add to the sources.list "deb http://mambo.kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~takushi/ubuntu ./" and "deb-src http://mambo.kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~takushi/ubuntu ./"
2. install libcnbj and bjfilter: sudo aptitude install libcnbj-2.5 bjfilter-2.5
3. install dpkg-dev: sudo aptitude install dpkg-dev
4. get sources of pstocanonbj: apt-get source pstocanonbj
5. set current dir to pstocanonbj-3.3/ : cd pstocanonbj-3.3/
6. configure it: ./configure
7. make it: make
8. install it: sudo make install
9. copy or link pstocanonbj filter from "/usr/local/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonbj" to "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonbj"
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