Vispār tas ir fakts - man ir problēmas uztvert mākslu bez dinamikas, un šī filma ir visai tipisks piemērs tam, kur nekas nenotiek. Es vēl varu saprast filmas, kurās nav darbības, bet ir elpu aizraujoši skati, taču šī ir gluži vienkārši MĀKSLAS filma, un no MĀKSLAS es diemžēl neko nesaprotu. Lai tev būtu vismaz kaut kāds priekšstats par to, kas šajā filmā parādās, lūk, pamatīgāks citāts no Wikipedia:
he first turn is the human realm and is about an old goatherd who is quite sick and who takes medicine from the dust from the church floor in water at night. This phase includes long 8 minute shot of the procession of the villagers culminating in the dog and truck episode so the goats occupy the village.
The second turn is the animal realm and is a study of a young goat, from its birth onwards.
The third turn is the plant realm and is a study of a fir tree. Eventually the tree is chopped down to be displayed in the town square and an evocation of cultural memory.
The fourth turn shows the mineral realm as the tree is made into charcoal for the townspeople&39;s fires.