It might be the best way for a person to find some sort of a key to the person known ar J.P.Sartre (which is his really name, by the way). The book is an authobiography about Sartre`s childhood. Some episodes are quite amusing, for example, the way little J.P. rewrites books and imagines himself to be the author. I wouldn`t say that I have become a fan of the author after the book has been read but at least the background for his attitudes has got a bit clearer now. Tas, cik lielā mērā šī grāmata tevi varētu ieinteresēt, pamatā ir atkarīgs no tavas attieksmes pret Sartru kā tādu - ja viņš tevi neinteresē, neinteresēs arī biogrāfija (un otrādi).