From Hell
film — USA — 2001

It`s about Jack the Ripper. Pretty dull by my standarts: there is a huge conspiracy which involves the Freemasons - and that kind of stuff is vomit-inducing. It also features a love story between Johnny Depp and a prostitute - which is absolutely unnecessary. Not later than in the middle of the film it becomes perfectly clear, which one of the characters is the real murderer. No good movie, I say.
Dīvaini, tagad pārdomājot šo filmu, es par to tik negatīvi vairs neizteiktos. Droši vien gribēju Normundam parādīt savu "alternatīvumu". Principā bija OK, lai gan man labāk patiktu, ja filma saglabātu beigās lielāku noslēpumainības auru. (vērtējums no 4.0 pacelts uz 7.0)