Diary of the Chambermaid
film — France — 1964

Bunuel once again. This time he`s much more realistic than in the two other pictures by him I`ve seen, and it is not an advantage in my opinion. Somewhere between the two world wars a young woman named Celestine comes from Paris to a small vilage (or something similar to a village) to work as a maid for a half-crazy old man, his money saving daughter who doesn`t like the pain she gets from sex, and her sexually obsessed and still pretty cowardly husband. There also is another central person among the servants - a man named Joseph who participates in stupid nacionalistic stuff and who apparently rapes and kills a little girl. The ending is good for it shows that in real life it`s not the good that gets rewarded, but not the evil as well. Everything just stays the way it`s bound to stay, and no Deus or Satanus from a machine can make everything polar. The film was still no big shakes.