First, let me state it clear. The subject of concern is a B-movie. Therefore one shouldn`t await good acting, a normal script or any form of special effects. What the film has is an interesting idea - some aliens make documentary about the most complicated mating dance in the Universe - the one performed by humans. As a part of the mating dance many things are treated - from the first kiss on to safe sex, more safe sex and until the situation where unsafe sex turns into a child. That`s about it - most things people say and do are totally cliched. At some parts the guy acts like a total loser, but still one thing is what makes this film worth seing (and it`s not Carmen Electra`s boobs) - it`s the silly things the alien narrator says interpreting many things in the silliest way. So, it`s nothing that one can remember for a long time but just a funny flick. Update pēc 3,5 gadiem: cik dīvaini tas lai arī nebūtu, bet šī filma man ir pat diezgan labi iespiedusies atmiņā un jāatzīst, ka priekš tik muļķīgas un zemas kvalitātes filmas tā izrādījās "ilgdzīvojoša" un ja to vērtē kā tīru sviesta produktu, tā bija pat gana laba (pieņemot, ka klišejiskais sižets, tizlā aktierspēle un tā tālāk bija tieši nepieciešamas šīs filmas sastāvdaļas, nevis tās trūkumi), tāpēc nedaudz paaugstinu vērtējumu (no 5.0 uz 6.0).