film — UK — 1975

This is a film based on the rock opera "Tommy" by the Who. The songs are rerecorded especially for the film with the cast doing the singing in a broadwayish manner. Tommy`s father doesn`t come back from WW2 and his mother finds herself a brand new lover. When dad unexpectedly does come back, the lover kills him with a candlestick (if I remember it correctly that it was a "Cluedo" weapon he used). Anyway, Tommy who`s aged about four or five sees that in the front of his very eyes and after that he becomes deaf, dumb and blind. He grows up like that, nobody being able to cure him, he`s tortured by a cousin of his, a perverted uncle named Ernie (played by Keith Moon - the deceased Who drummer) "fiddles about", but there`s one thing Tommy can do - and that is playing pinball. Which is not the most typical thing for a person that doesn`t really know what pinball is all about. And he also likes starring at his own reflection in the mirror. And then he gets his vision, hearing and talking back, and becomes some sort of a preacher. What`s the film like - it`s basically just a long video for the music, and nothing more. Roger Daltrey - the singer of the band is kinda ok as Tommy, but both his Mom and Dad make 2 are not only lousy actors, but crappy singers as well. Still the music is good, altough it`s a bit musicalised which I don`t really appreciate. By the way, Elton John is the pinball wizard, while Eric Clapton simply does a song.