Decalogue 2
film — Poland — 1988

What is the second commandment? Do you know the answer to this question? It says that Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. And what is this film about? Is it about appliance of religion in modern society? No, it isn`t. There`s Dorota who`s husband is in a very bad condition in the hospital and who wants him to get well once again. But she also has a lover, and she`s pregnant from him. She knows that if her husband will get well she`ll have to make an abortion, but if he`ll die she`ll lose him (logical, isn`t it?). Then there`s the Consultant - an old doctor who treats Andrzej (Dorotas husband) and who`s life isn`t a particulary happy one. He spends his time telling every day a part of his loss of his family to a woman that makes food for him and cleans his room. He`s not the kindest person in the world, but neither is the most unpleasant one. To end this review I want to say, that after having watched 3 parts of the Decalogue I`m still entertained and planing to watch more.