Decalogue 3
film — Poland — 1988

Honor the Sabbath Day - it`s what this film tells us to do. I don`t really get what this has to do with Saturday but I guess there`s no reason why I should honor that day less than I honor any other day. Janusz is celebrating X-mas with his family and has just taken off his Santa Clauses costume when his phone rings. It`s his former lover Ewa that wants to meet him. He tells the family that somoene`s trying to steal his car and leaves them. It turns out that Ewas husband is missing, and she together with Janusz goes on looking for him. But in fact he`s not missing, he has left Ewa several years ago, and she simply was too lonely and wanted to spend the Christmas night with Janusz (no, I don`t mean sex by that!). The film is really strange, there`s a naked man that quite appears on the screen dragging a christmas tree behind him and saying "Where is my home?" The whole search makes absolutely no sense, for there`s nobody that can be found. The only reason why I rated this one lower than the previous parts of the film is that I had already seen 3 parts of the Decalogue before and this one didn`t shake me very much.