film — Japan — 2000

Suppose I tell you this film is a Japanese horror movie. Are you already scared out of your pants and on your way to the mental hospital? I bet you are. But you shouldn`t be. This film isn`t that scary. It plainly isn`t scary at all. There`s this guy who works as a sound engineer, and who has a wife who is a medium. While he`s in the woods recording the sounds of the forest a little girl running away from a rapist hides in an empty equipment box belonging to the man. It`s quite silly that after the recording he puts the box in his car without thinking why it has become much heavier and without even putting anything back inside it. It seems that he just likes carrying around huge empty boxes. Anyway, the girl dies in the box, and after a few days his wife is asked to find her. She finds her through her powers, but the girl appears to be living. Since they have no way of explaining how the girl got into the box the guy and his wife decide to hide her in a remote location and send the cops to that place. That is particulary silly, but ok. In the end the girl turns out to be a physical ghost and the guy does the best thing you can do to a ghost - he kills her once again by using a piece of wood. After that he sees his body double (which signs his near death) and puts it on fire. To be honest - the guy is crazy, and so even to a greater level is the director. And the film is stupid, uninspired, boring, dull - choose whatever you want. And it isn`t a horror film.