Arnes Nachlass
book — Germany — 1999

Could this actually be true? A relatively new German book has fallen in my hands, and it is written by one of the masters of modern German literature. Oh, joy, oh, happiness! The only problem with the book is that it isn`t interesting. There`s this guy Arne, about whom until the end of the book we don`t know what has happened to him, but Hans, his former roommate is collecting all Arnes stuff to put it into a big box. And this stuff brings up memories. Memories how Arne came into Hans`s family after his own family had died, how the boy (~13 years old) fell in love with Hanses sister, who didn`t care for him. How he lost his interest for school, tried to become friends with the gang of Hanses brother Lars, but failed at that. How he got very ill and how his granmother visited him. Lots of stuff about sea and sailors can be found here, since the action takes place in Hamburg and Hanses and Arnes fathers were ones mates on a ship. Anyway, sailor literature isn`t my forte, therefore I can not judge this book especially hard, but there`s nothing really to be remembered in here.