Drei Erzaehlungen und eine Beobachtung
book — Germany — 1995

Just like Haruki Murakami who`s book I finished reading before switching to Sueskind, this here is one of my favourite writers. Having already swallowed the hook of the creator of "The Perfume", "Contrabass" etc., I didn`t expect these four stories to be something around average. And they really weren`t! First there`s "The Attraction to Depth" - a story about a young female painter that goes crazy and can`t continue her work after an art critic has said that there`s not enough depth in her art which he only said not to overrate the girl. And as she died from a suicide the critic wrote that all her works showcased attraction to depth. "The battle" tells a story of chess playing in the park, where the local champion (an old drunk) is challenged by a young charistmatic opponent whom love all the spectators. And only after the victory the champion understands that he had played against a complete fool and that his win wasn`t better than a loss, he decides to give up chess. The third story "Jean Messar`s Testament" tells us about a weirdos theory that the whole earth is getting overwhelmed by shells. And then there`s the observation - how a man reads a book and sees different notices on the sides and only in the end understands that it was him who wrote all the comments, and that he doesn`t remember anything he`s ever read. Like Sueskind usually likes it to be all the stories are both very funny and very sad at the same time. And you can surely say that it`s one hell of a recipe he has found.