Fawlty Towers Season I
film — UK — 1975

I`m not really sure whether I can call myself a particulary big fan of sitcoms, but I`m completely sure that I can call myself a big fan of John Cleese. Therefore a sitcom staring John Cleese is a must for me. In `Fawlty Towers` he plays a gotel owner who doesn`t have particulary strong nerves and who doesn`t have a particulary good relation with his wife. In episode one - "A touch of class" he has placed an advertisement in a newspaper for snobs hoping that some high class people will arrive to the hotel. He`s proven wrong when the only lord turns out to be a fraud. In "The Builders" Basil Fawlty doesn`t want to spend money for high quality workers and lets dumbasses ruin his hotel. "The wedding party" is probably the best episode. It has a young couple arriving at the hotel for their wedding but Basil with his stupid morality and suspicions ruins everything for himself, as he sees sex,sex, sex everythere (that`s all kids talk about nowadays). "The hotel inspectors" goes basically in a similar way to episode one - once again Basil mistakes a person for what it`s not. "Gourmet night" has the chef too drunk and no food for anyone. And "The germans" has germans arriving at the hotel and Fawlty speaking about the war, making them feel miserable. Cleese did this series with Conny Booth - his wife at the time - but the weird thing is that it isn`t Booth playing his wife, she plays Polly, the waitress/maid. There`s also a Spanish guy working at the hotel who speaks nearly no English, while Fawlty thinks of himself as Spanish speaking. I don`t mean to say that this ranks as high as the Flying Circus, but this TV series surely did have it`s charm, although particulary inventive it wasn`t.