Sweet Sixteen
film — UK — 2002

Why is sixteen the number of years when the word "sweet" is usually used? I`ve got no idea for that. You see, at sixteen a person rarely is really sweet stuck in the middle of being a loser at school - either a loser in social rankings, in financial status, in marks, in personal life or somewhere else. And Liam, the main hero of this film, can certainly be called a loser in many categories. He`s not even sixteen yet, but he already doesn`t go to school and lives from selling fags and stolen drugs. He`s Scottish (just like most people in Scotland) so he speaks some really weird language. One thing I`m sure about is that you should use the word "wee" very often if you want to be a real Scottish person. He`s got a friend named Pinball together with whom Liam does what he does. By the way, they don`t use drugs themselves. Liam mainly only wants to help his poor mother who on the other hand doesn`t want to be helped. Somebody told me this film was similar to "Trainspotting" but I didn`t find it that way. First, the story wasn`t that good, then the actors and last but not least the music. If "Trainspotting" provided the soundtrack of a generation "Sweet Sixteen" falls flat at doing that. Yet this ain`t a bad film.