Step Across the Border
film — Germany — 1990

This film is a documentary about the life and work of Fred Firth, a British avantgarde multiinstrumentalist. I have no clue who this fellow is/was and why he someone would bother to make a documentary about him. Anyhow somebody did bother. But I really didn`t bother to watch it. Why should I? I`m not particulary interested in avantegarde musicians I don`t know nothing about. At least I listened to the film. By the way, it`s quite interestingly done in black and white, all artsy you know, but I just don`t wanna know much about that Frith person anyhow. Ok, he was a member of "Henry Cow" - an obscure and completely unlistenable band. Not that the music in the film was bad (anything else doesn`t ring a bell for me at all), it`s actually pretty interesting, but not for everyday use, and surely not for fans of anything normal. Probably if you think that Throbbing Gristle is a good band and you`d love to buy more of their records, you`ll enjoy Frith as well. Otherwise, I doubt it.